Jean-Marc Dreyfus

Jean-Marc Dreyfus is reader in History and in Holocaust studies at the University of Manchester (History Division), United Kingdom. His research considers the Holocaust and genocides, Jewish history in Europe and post-mass violence exhumations and identification of corpses. He is the author of six monographs, including L’impossible réparation. Déportés, biens spoliés, or nazi, comptes bloqués, criminels de guerre (The impossible reparation. Deportees, looted properties, Nazi gold, war criminals), Paris, Flammarion, January 2015. He has recently edited a special issue of the European Review of History, on “Traces, memory and the Holocaust in the writings of W.G. Sebald”. He is the co-organizer (with Elisabeth Anstett) of the ERC research programme “Corpses of mass violence and genocide”. He currently holds a senior research fellowship from the British Academy, to write a book about the French search mission of corpses in Germany after WWII.


Main publications:


Articles and chapters of books: