Objetivo: Exhumar a Franco EITBApril 3, 2017Equipo de redacción – TV EITB March 30, 2017 The program investigates the difficulties of families to recover the bodies of their relatives from the Valle de los Caídos. Objetivo: Exhumar a Franco https://politicasdelamemoria.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/Captura-de-pantalla-2017-04-03-a-las-11.59.23.png 693 1279 Laura Langa https://politicasdelamemoria.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/logo_memoria_Web.png Laura Langa2017-04-03 12:31:422018-05-16 20:01:54Objetivo: Exhumar a Franco EITB