UNREST Horizon 2020

UNREST Final conference en la British School at Rome del 6 al 8 de febrero de 2019

The Horizon 2020 project ‘Unsettling Remembering and Social Cohesion in Transnational Europe’ (UNREST) Final Conference was held at the British School at Rome on 6-8 February 2019.

This international conference invited some of the leading specialists in Memory Studies, History, Social Anthropology, Political Philosophy, Cultural Studies and Human-Computer Interaction, heritage professionals, cultural practitioners, and policymakers to discuss the work of the UNREST project over two days at the prestigious British School at Rome.

Francisco Ferrándiz and Marije Hristova participated in the journeys with the following conference: “Remembering at Sites of Mass Grave Exhumations

Full program

UNREST project website


Workshop: Exhumations and Memory in contemporary Bosnia, Poland and Spain 23 March 2018

4 Debates within the debate workshop “Exhumations and Memory in contemporary Bosnia, Poland and Spain”, part of the UNREST and BELOW GROUND project by Francisco Ferrándiz (ILLA, CCHS-CSIC).

Date of celebration: 23 March, 2018 at the Center for Human and Social Sciences of the CSIC (Madrid, Spain).


Workshop: Exhumations and Memory of the Spanish Civil War in the XXI C.January 30 and 31, 2017

6 debates within the debate workshop “Exhumations and Memory of the Spanish Civil War in the XXI C” that is part of the project UNREST and BELOW GROUND, by Francisco Ferrándiz (ILLA, CCHS-CSIC) and Francisco Colom (IFS, CCHS-CSIC) .

Date of celebration: January 30 and 31, 2017 at the Center for Human and Social Sciences of the CSIC (Madrid, Spain).


UNREST Stakeholder Workshop. 19 October 2016

6 debates within the debate workshop “UNREST Stakeholder Workshop” which is part of the UNREST and SUBTIERRO project, by Francisco Ferrándiz (ILLA, CCHS-CSIC).

Date of celebration: 19 October 2016 in Brussels (Belgium)


MOOC course: How We Remember War and Violence: Theory and Practice

Consider how we recall war and violence and discover a different way to remember. Our memories of conflict are often used against us. Nationalist movements manipulate the story – offering confrontational, harmful perspectives. But there’s a different way. This course takes a new approach to remembering, ‘agonistic memory’. You’ll explore how it improves upon the other two models of memory – ‘cosmopolitan memory’ and ‘antagonistic memory’, going on to see how agonistic memory can be used in your own work to relate more accurately to the past. By the end of this course, you’ll understand how the various models are used today – and will have a new way to look at history.

Access to the course


Where the Forest Thickens – English subtitles


Within the framework of the European Project UNREST, work has been done on the creation of a play on the exhumations carried out in Poland, Bosnia Herzegovina and Spain.

In the following link you can consult the Technical Sheet of the play:
Technical Sheet

In the following link you can consult a pedagogical package of the play:


War Exhibit at the Ruhr Museum in Essen

The exhibition “Krieg.Macht.Sinn” opened at the Ruhr Museum in Essen, Germany, on 12 November 2018 and runs until 10 June 2019.

The exhibition presents controversial agonistic encounters on the level of form and content. It presents diametrically opposed opinions about the same events and exposes history to a provocative media ‘cross-fire’ for instance by featuring in close proximity authentic battle gear, explicit casualties photos, and cutting-edge video game entertainment. Rather than arranging objects and interpretations of warfare from one consistent narrative vantage point, for instance the perspective of pacifism, it presents visitors a constellation of dialogical clusters without a priori privileging one perspective/interpretation over another. Moreover, rather than focusing on one conflict it covers different wars of the 20th Century. All the while, it maintains a clear focus on Ruhr Valley history to enhance the visitors’ affective ties to the material at hand.

360º access to the exhibition

UNREST Project Policy Synthesis

The UNREST policy synthesis presents the findings of the project, reporting on the research parameters and providing evidence and analysis from the theoretical work testing agonistic memory as well as the empirical work on exhumation of mass graves and war museums. It also discusses the online course and cultural products that have been created during the project and make a number of policy recommendations on how to deal with difficult history. This policy synthesis is available in English, French, German and Spanish.

Web: UNREST Project Policy Synthesis
Policy Synthesis in English



Press releases on the project