Exhibition “Fake Games. The Collectivized Monument” at the IVAM
Exhibition “Fake Games. The Collectivized Monument” at the IVAM
The director of the Institut Valencià d’Art Modern (IVAM), José Miguel G. Cortés, the curator Miguel Caballero, and the artist, Fernando Sánchez Castillo, will present the exhibition Fake Games to the media. The collectivized monument.
The artist proposes the creation of a collective memorial in gallery 6 of the museum from one of the most iconic photographs of the Spanish Civil War: Death of a militiaman attributed to Robert Capa and Gerda Taro.
The main installation of the sample is a memorial based on the exchange of a small figure of a little plastic soldier, inspired by the famous militiaman photographed by Capa / Taro. Visitors over the age of fifteen – the minimum age for enlisting in the militias – can take a little soldier home in exchange for a reflection on this conflict and its aftermath that will be written on the walls of the gallery.