International Congress. Weaving memory: Public Policies, Mass Graves, and Materialities. 2024

Weaving memory: Public Policies, Mass Graves, and Materialities.

From 25 June to 28 June 2024

Faculty of Geography and History – Universitat de Barcelona


Scientific management: Francisco Ferrándiz, Queralt Solé, Alejandro Baer, Francisco Etxeberria, Margalida Capellà y Maria García Alonso.

Organizing committee: Francisco Ferrándiz, Queralt Solé, Laia Gallego Vila, Miriam Saqqa-Carazo, Maria Mayayo, Zoé de Kerangat, Daniel Palacios González, M. Laura Martín-Chiappe y Laura Langa Martínez.


Provisional programme

Location: C/ de Montalegre, 6, Ciutat Vella, 08001 Barcelona


Call for papers: European Association of Archaeologists (EAA) 484th session


Call for Papers:

Archaeologies and Heritagizations of Historic and Contemporary Violence

In the aftermath of violence, the identification, excavation, and analysis of sites at which such acts were carried out can be key to ensuring justice and a sense of closure for the families of those who perished. Once located, the process of excavation can evoke strong reactions and at times polemical debate. These places, be they concentration camps, sites of massacre, or incarceration, can become iconic sites of commemoration and often accrue memorials or become ‘sacralized’ sites of memory. However, many recent conflicts are not waged by opposing militaries, but rather by paramilitary or guerilla combatants, or by state actors against their own populations. During conflicts, alliances between various groups may shift. A consensus on who to commemorate is not always forthcoming. Competitive commemoration, desecration, or willful neglect may immediately follow a conflict. In turn, the sites of ‘pain’ of the ‘Other’ may be ‘orphaned’ on the ‘wrong’ side of a border or the ‘fault line of memory’. What new discursive spaces do these sites open? Can one ensure that their heritagization acknowledges their respective historical and political specificities without reify divides? What can be learned from non-state sanctioned ‘grassroots’ activities at these sites (without romanticizing them)? Can such sites contribute to sustainable peace?
The discovery of older historic sites of violence often result in headline grabbing articles. Does the heritagization of historic sites of violence necessarily entail voyeurism and ‘dark tourism’, or does it contribute to a valid exploration of violence? Can historic sites of violence be understood through the same lenses as their more contemporary counterparts? How and why does their excavation and heritagization differ from those encountered for more recent examples?
Themes may include, but are not limited to:
– archaeology of sites of violence;
– management of the material remains of violence;
– museology, memorialization, and heritage interpretation of violence.
War, Conflict, Violence, Sustainability, Heritage


Proposals should be up to 150/300 words in length.
Submissions will be accepted until 8 February 2024.


Britt Baillie (University of Amsterdam)
Geonyoung Kim (University of Cambridge)
Miriam Saqqa-Carazo (Universidad Complutense de Madrid)
Layla Renshaw (Kingston University)
Yoon Walker (SOAS)

For further information



Exhibition: “The democratic skylight. Policies of life and death in the Spanish State (1868 – 1976)”

Exposición: “The democratic skylight. Policies of life and death in the Spanish State (1868 – 1976)”

The exhibition critically reviews the relationships between death, politics and democratic memory regarding contemporary Spanish history, from a horizon of human rights and cultures of peace.
The tour raises a mature debate of the collective past on political violence, as well as the ways to resist it, fight it, discuss it and remember it, proposing historical alternatives, resistance approaches, rejections and adaptive strategies. The first part goes through the citizen struggles from the democratic six-year term to 1936; a second module focuses on the Civil War; a third is dedicated to the dictatorship, to lead, lastly, to the origins of the Transition. Through these dissidences, revolts and daily practices, democratic rights were built. As a whole, it is a long tunnel of the past where the shadows and lights of history can still be seen. With a story that is sensitive to dissidence, opposition and daily practices over the last hundred and fifty years, the project has 266 original works from 71 providers, all national, and is complemented by a large number of photographic and 11 audiovisual reproductions.
The name of the exhibition, Skylight, is a tribute to the celebrated work that Antonio Buero Vallejo premiered in 1967, “El skylight” where he proposes a science-fiction journey between two eras, the Spanish postwar period and the 25th century. In the piece, the inhabitants of a distant future are dedicated to investigating history: they have a “skylight”, a powerful vision machine that allows them to project fragments of the past onto their present. Thus, they reconstruct the lives of those who preceded them, to wonder how their dramas and demands, their struggles and their cruelties also belong to them.

Sala de Exposiciones La Alqueria
Nuevos Ministerios
(Madrid, Spain)
24 March-23 July 2023

Further information


The 2023 MSA First Book Award to “De fosas comunes a lugares de memoria. La práctica monumental como escritura de la historia”

Daniel Palacios González, has won the prestigious international First Book Award 2023 awarded by the Memory Studies Association (MSA) with his book De fosas comunes a lugares de memoria. La práctica monumental como escritura de la historia, based on his doctoral thesis.The thesis was co-directed by Francisco Ferrándiz (ILLA-CCHS-CSIC) in 2022.

“We are pleased to announce that this year’s award goes to Daniel Palacios González, the author of “De fosas comunes a lugares de memoria. La práctica monumental como escritura de la historia”. In his monograph, Daniel Palacios González traces the histories and meanings of mass graves of the Spanish War and Dictatorship. The reviewers praised the book for its comprehensiveness, theoretical depth, and empirical richness. They also emphasized the author’s critical approach to the ‘forensic turn’ and his precise differentiation of national and local mnemonic policies”

Para más información

HRISTOVA, Marije (2023). Exhumations




Marije Hristova


HERNÁNDEZ CASTILLO, Aída y ROBLEDO SILVESTRE, Carolina (2020). Nadie Detiene el Amor. Historias de Vida de Familiares de Personas Desaparecidas en el Norte de Sinaloa

Nadie Detiene el Amor.

Historias de Vida de Familiares de Personas Desaparecidas en el Norte de Sinaloa

In this book, Aída Hernández and Carolina Robledo, researchers at CIESAS, give context to the extreme, everyday violence in northern Sinaloa and share the experiences and struggles of relatives of disappeared people. The life stories they tell us are a way of remembering the absence. A way for their hearts to keep beating through the words of those who will not abandon the loving and challenging task of searching for them.

 More information


PALACIOS GONZÁLEZ, Daniel (2023). A Return to Monuments: Overcoming the “Forensic Turn” in Contemporary Spain



A Return to Monuments: Overcoming the “Forensic Turn” in Contemporary Spain

Daniel Palacios González


La muerte en los ojos: qué perpetran las imágenes de perpetrador (Alianza, 2021) Reflexiones en torno al libro de Vicente Sánchez-Biosca

Lecture by:

Vicente Sánchez-Biosca

Universidad de Valencia

Colloquium between the author Vicente Sánchez Biosca (University of Valencia), María García Alonso (UNED), Alejandro Baer (U Minnesota), Lidia Mateo (UNED), Rafael Rodríguez Tranche (UCM), Jorge Moreno (UNED) and Francisco Ferrándiz (CSIC).

Thursday, 7 April 2022
18:00 – 20:00 hours
Salón de Actos del Centro Asociado UNED Escuelas Pías
C/ de Tribulete, 14, 28012 Madrid

PALACIOS GONZÁLEZ, Daniel (2022). De fosas comunes a lugares de memoria. La práctica monumental como escritura de la historia

De fosas comunes a lugares de memoria

La práctica monumental como escritura de la historia

Within this book, I focused on the meaningful gestures of producing images using the bodies buried in the mass graves of the Spanish War and Dictatorship from 1936 until nowadays. The objective I proposed for this research was to define the historical development of monument practices and the forms they had taken, understand them in the society they seek to influence, and try to attribute a sense to them as meaningful gestures. I draw up my cartography of monuments in the country, with 600 records. But, far from seeking unity based on generalisations, I tried to find the logic underlying each of the experiences. To do so, I decided to take a broad sample and leave the quantitative study to approach the practices qualitatively. Accordingly, I selected a large selection of 100, which consisted of visiting the sites and interviewing those involved in these practices.
Additionally, in many of those sites visited, I also developed observation and participant observation in different rituals and events. I organised the book into three parts, each covering a stage of the analysis. In the first part, I answered the question of how the production of monuments evolved and what forms they took. In the second part, I answer the question of how monument practices were incorporated into the society they sought to influence. In the third part, I point out how we are not dealing with simple reactions that respond to the formal logic of tradition, but, on the contrary, they look for a specific and reasonable end goal, a result based on planning and consciousness.
In conclusion, I proved how the monument becomes an expression of the historical consciousness of its producers. How different actors communicated their memories in a meaningful gesture limited by the material reality integrating the bodies in constructing a new image. And how they seek to influence society, not just bury the dead according to a funerary tradition.

 More information


FERRÁNDIZ, Francisco (2022). Exhumaciones, generales y militarismo fantasma: cómo confrontar el legado de la Guerra Civil española



Exhumaciones, generales y militarismo fantasma: cómo confrontar el legado de la Guerra Civil española

Francisco Ferrándiz
