Zoé de Kerangat

Zoé de Kerangat

Zoé de Kerangat is a predoctoral researcher at ILLA-CSIC and PhD candidate in Contemporary History at Universidad Autónoma de Madrid since 2014. Her PhD thesis project analyses the mass grave exhumations of victims of the Francoist repression that took place in the 1970s and 1980s. She holds a Master’s degree in Contemporary History from Universidad Complutense de Madrid (2011) and a Bachelor’s degree in Liberal Arts and Sciences (Major in Social Science and Humanities) from University College Utrecht (2010, Países Bajos).

She was a member of the research project CSO2012-32709 “The Underground Past: Exhumations and Memory Politics in Contemporary Spain in Transnational and Comparative Perspective”. She is now part of the research projects CSO2015-66104-R”Below Ground: Mass Grave Exhumations and Human Rights in Historical, Transnational and Comparative Perspective”, UNREST (Unsettling Remembering and Social Cohesion in Transnational Europe) H2020 REFLECTIVE-5-2015, ref. 693523, and of the young researchers’ association Memorias en Red.

She has taught university classes at the University of Portsmouth (Reino Unido) and Universidad Autónoma de Madrid and she got a grant for a three-month research stay in the Centro de Investigaciones Sociales (IDES-CONICET) en Buenos Aires, Argentina, in 2015.


Main publications: 

  • (2017). “Beyond local memories: exhumations of Francoism’s victims as counter- discourse during the Spanish transition to democracy” [Chapter in press] En Törnquist-Plewa, B. y Sindbæk Andersen, T. (eds.) The Twentieth Century in European memory: Transcultural mediation and reception. BRILL.
  • (2017). “Antropología forense”. [Article in press]. Diccionario histórico de conceptos, expresiones y usos de la memoria colectiva. Universitat de Barcelona.
  • (2016). “(In)visibilidad y lucha familiar: Mujeres y memorias de la represión en las décadas de los 70 y 80.” En Macé, J-F. y Martínez Zauner, M. (coords.), Pasados de Violencia: Memoria, discurso y puesta en escena. Anexo: Madrid.
  • (2015). “Las élites y el pasado: memorias de la Guerra Civil en la Transición”. Reseña de: Pasamar, Gonzalo (Ed.), Ha estallado la memoria: las huellas de la Guerra Civil en la Transición a la Democracia, Madrid, Biblioteca Nueva, 2014, pp.344 Revista Historia Autónoma, 7.
  • (2015) “Réhabiliter leur mémoire? Représentations des victimes de la guerre civile et du franquisme dans les musées d’Espagne”. Nuevo Mundo Mundos Nuevos.
  • (2015). “Construyendo memorias e identidades: Narrativas históricas (trans)nacionales y locales en museos de España” En Cruz Suárez, J. C., Lauge Hansen, H. Sánchez Cuervo, A. (eds.) La memoria novelada III. Memoria transnacional y anhelos de justicia. Perspectivas Hispánicas, Vol. 38. Peter Lang: Bern, Berlin, Bruxelles, Frankfurt am Main, New York, Oxford, Wien. pp 270- 296.
  •  (eds.) (2014) con Ferrándiz, F. Hristova, M. y Douglas,L.  “Faces and Traces of Violence: Memory Politics in Global Perspective”. Culture & History Digital Journal, 3(2).
  • (2014) con Ferrándiz, F. Hristova, M. y Douglas,L. “Violence and the politics of memory in a global context: An overture”. Culture & History Digital Journal, 3(2), e012.