Francisco Ferrándiz. RNE, Todo Noticias. 25/06/2019

Interview with Francisco Ferrándiz in the program Todo Noticias of RNE.

The Complutense University of Madrid is hosting the world’s largest conference on Memory Studies, with more than 1300 specialists debating topics such as digital memory, climate memory and the memory of migrations.

Link to the program 


Francisco Ferrándiz. RTVE, Informe Semanal. 08/06/2019

Interview with Francisco Ferrándiz in the program Informe Semanal: “Deber de memoria”.

In the last 19 years almost 500 graves have been opened, but it is estimated that there are still another 2,000. A Informe Semanal team has been at the unearthing of Genara Fernandez Garcia, a Republican teacher shot and buried in an unnamed tomb of Leon in 1941. The work has been carried out by the Association for the Recovery of Historical Memory, and have coincided with the decision of the Supreme Court to postpone the transfer of the remains of Franco from the Valley of the Fallen until the family’s appeal is resolved.

Link to see the program 


Francisco Ferrándiz and Francisco Etxeberría. EITB, 360 Degrees. 19/05/19

Interview with Francisco Ferrándiz and Francisco Etxeberría in the 360 Degrees program at EITB about the Valley of the Fallen.

Link to the program 


Francisco Ferrándiz. M21, Einstein en Malasaña. 03/04/2019

Interview to Francisco Ferrándiz in the program Einstein in Malasaña: “La ciencia de las cunetas”.

This program analyzes how social anthropology interprets mass graves. And the differences of exhumations in the countries of the world that have suffered from massive political persecution.

Link to download the program 


Miriam Saqqa. RTPA, La buena tarde. 14/12/2018

Interview with Miriam Saqqa in the program La buena tarde, on Radiotelevisión del Principado de Asturias (RTPA), in relation to her conference: “¿Cuánta identidad cabe en unos huesos mal enterrados? Trascendencia real y simbólica de las políticas de la memoria en el Estado Español, that she gave in the Conference: La Memoria Obstinada. Miradas actuales sobre nuestra historia reciente [guerra civil, dictadura y transición].

Link to the program 


Francisco Etxeberría. Cadena Ser, Vidas Enterradas. 16/12/2018

Interview with Francisco Etxeberría in the program Vidas Enterradas: “The state of things: truth, justice, reparation”.

Vidas Enterradas is a radio serial that rescues, through the documentary report, the life and death of people killed during the Civil War and the Franco regime. Of the protagonists of each story there are hardly any photographs preserved, but the memories are still alive in their children, in their grandchildren, in their great-grandchildren. After decades, it is they who break the silence to narrate those biographies.

Link to the program 


Francisco Ferrándiz. RTVE, Telediario – 15 horas. 31/08/18

Interview with Francisco Ferrándiz in the Telediario – 15 horas in RTVE about the Valley of the Fallen.

Link to the program 


Francisco Ferrándiz. RTVE, Informe Semanal. 01/09/2018

Interview with Francisco Ferrándiz in the program Informe Semanal in RTVE about the Valley of the Fallen.

Link to the program 


Francisco Ferrándiz. La Sexta Noche. 25/08/2018

Intervention by Francisco Ferrándiz in the program La Sexta Noche about the Government’s statements regarding the resignification of the Valley of the Fallen

Link to the program 


Francisco Ferrándiz. 29/08/2018. Hora 14

Francisco Ferrándiz intervenes in the program Hora 14, of the Cadena SER, in relation to the proposal of the Government of Pedro Sánchez to resignify the Valley of the Fallen.

Link to the interview