Francisco Ferrándiz. 24/08/2018. Faktoria

Francisco Ferrándiz intervenes in the program Faktoria, of the Euskadi Irratia, in relation to the proposal of the Government of Pedro Sánchez to move the remains of Franco from the Valley of the Fallen.

Listen to audio 

Francisco Ferrándiz. La Sexta, Al Rojo Vivo. 22/08/2018

Interview with Francisco Ferrándiz in the program Al Rojo Vivo in La Sexta about the possible exhumation of Franco in the Valley of the Fallen.

Link to the program 


Francisco Ferrándiz. Deutsche Welle (DW), Enfoque Europa. 26/07/2018

Interview with Francisco Ferrándiz in the program Enfoque Europa in Deutsche Welle (DW) about the possible exhumation of Franco in the Valley of the Fallen.

Link to the program in Spanish 

Link to the program in German 


Francisco Etxeberría. La Sexta Noche. 28/07/2018

Interview with Francisco Etxeberría in the program La Sexta Noche about the possible exhumation of Franco from Valley of the Fallen..

Link to Francisco Etxeberría’s interview 


The Conference/Summer Course “BODIES OUT OF PLACE” ends with a visit to the Oiartzun mass grave.

The Conference/Summer Course “BODIES OUT OF PLACE” ends with a visit to the Oiartzun mass grave. 


Francisco Ferrándiz. Telemadrid, 120 minutos. 25/06/2018

Interview with Francisco Ferrándiz in the program 120 minutos in Telemadrid about possible exhumations in the Valley of the Fallen. 


ANSTETT, Élisabeth (2018). What is a Mass Grave? Toward an Anthropology of Human Remains Treatment in Contemporary Contexts of Mass Violence



What is a Mass Grave? Toward an Anthropology of Human Remains Treatment in Contemporary Contexts of Mass Violence

Élisabeth Anstett


Francisco Ferrándiz. 19/06/2018. Hora 25

Francisco Ferrándiz intervenes in the program Hora 25, of the Cadena SER, in relation to the proposal of the Government of Pedro Sánchez to move the remains of Franco from the Valley of the Fallen.

Escuchar Audio 

Etxeberria, was awarded for his work in historical memory 09/06/2018

Etxeberria, was awarded for his work in historical memory

The anthropologist and forensic doctor Paco Etxeberria received, on June 9, in Estella the “XVIII Manuel de Irujo” prize, which recognizes his work and professional career in the field of historical memory.
+ información


Postgraduate course: “Social Memory and Human Rights: Social and Forensic Sciences in the face of contemporary conflicts”


UNED 2017/2018

Postgraduate and Professional Development Program with Modular Structure.
“Social Memory and Human Rights: Social and Forensic Sciences in the face of contemporary conflicts”.


The objective of this program is to offer its graduates the essential tools and concepts to understand and analyze in depth the memory and human rights management processes in postconflict situations so that, from their respective professional fields, they can contribute to create informed opinion and / or design public policies with adequate and solid theoretical and practical background.