Civil War and Historical Memory. Deba 1936-1945

With the help of the Aranzadi Science Society, the City Council of Deba has launched a project of investigation and recovery of the historical memory of the locality. From October 16th, every Monday and Wednesday, the Memory Office will be available to all neighbors. The preparation of this study was approved by the unanimity of the Plenary and will have a cost of 42,350 €.

The study will be based mainly on the knowledge of the human rights violations that occurred during the years 1936-1945, in order to learn from them, to repair them and, as far as possible, to prevent them.

Navigating the Grey Zone: Complicity, Resistance and Solidarity

Call for Applications – Summer School

Navigating the Grey Zone: Complicity, Resistance and Solidarity

University of Edinburgh, 25-27 June 2018


In June 2018 the University of Edinburgh is hosting an interdisciplinary Summer School entitled “Navigating the Grey Zone: Complicity, Resistance and Solidarity.” This event targets PhD students and early career researchers (within 4 years of obtaining their doctorate). We will explore the complexities of complicity in and resistance to systemic human rights violations. Moreover, we will consider the ethical and political value of art for shedding light on the ambiguous reality of political responsibility and fostering relations of political solidarity. The Summer School is part of the interdisciplinary ERC Research Project GREYZONE, and we aim to bring together perspectives from political theory, political science, law, history, sociology, cultural studies, aesthetics and art. The main goal is to give participants the opportunity to interact across disciplinary boundaries with several international experts and to receive critical feedback on their own projects. The Summer School will involve extended scholarly discussions as well as social activities, allowing the participants to exchange ideas and initiate academic collaborations in a friendly environment. Participants will include a diverse mix of senior and junior scholars, PhD students and artists, who will work together on problematising the many faces of complicity, resistance and solidarity.


List of Confirmed Speakers:

  • Danielle Celermajer, Sociology, University of Sydney
  • Vikki Bell, Sociology, Goldsmiths, University of London
  • Margaret Atack, French, University of Leeds
  • Paul Gready, Centre for Applied Human Rights, University of York
  • Bronwyn Leebaw, Political Science, University of California
  • Cynthia Milton, History, University of Montreal

The programme will feature morning lectures by expert speakers, followed by presentations from participants in the afternoon. Our speakers will attend and comment on the afternoon presentations. To facilitate productive discussions, all participants are expected to read the assigned readings for each morning session and to share their papers at least one week before the Summer School starts.


We invite papers that examine the following issues:


  • Conceptualisations of complicity, resistance and solidarity in relation to systemic political violence;
  • The grey zone as a challenge to political memory, identity, and history;
  • The epistemic, moral and political value of artistic engagements with painful pasts;
  • Broader theoretical and practical challenges raised by the complexities of complicity, including issues of moral, political and legal judgement and agency, guilt and responsibility, forgiveness and revenge, justice and reconciliation;
  • The relationship between state-sponsored and artistic engagements with the grey zones of complicity and resistance;
  • The value and effects of artworks on public debates about/institutional responses to past violence;
  • Ethical and political dilemmas regarding the status of truth, the possibility of representation and the value of testimony in relation to the grey zones of political violence.

We encourage applications from various disciplinary backgrounds, including philosophy, political, social and legal theory, history, political science, cultural studies and aesthetics. We welcome contributions from normative, historical, conceptual, case-based and comparative perspectives.


How to submit your application

To apply please fill in this online form.

Incomplete applications cannot be considered.


Registration Fee

The registration fee is £100.


Organization and Contact

The Summer School is organized by Mihaela Mihai (Politics and International Relations) and her Greyzone project team. Please direct all your queries to:


Important Dates

The deadline for applications is the 15thof December 2017. Notification of acceptance will be given in January 2018. The selected participants will have to register and pay the registration fee by the 28thof February 2018. They will be asked to submit their papers by the 18thof June 2018.


Visa Information

Unfortunately, we cannot assist participants in arranging visas to travel to the UK, but we will provide you with an official invitation letter provided your application has been accepted.


Financial Support

The organisers can offer some financial support to some of the selected applicants. Please indicate in your application if you wish to be considered.


The event is sponsored by the European Research Council and the Global Justice Academy at the university of Edinburgh.


Course Memorias en Red “The present of the past: course of introduction to memory studies”.

NEXT COURSE of Memorias en Red

“The present of the past: course of introduction to memory studies”.


It will take place in the Born, Center of Culture and Memory of Barcelona, throughout October of 2017.

All sessions will be held from 7 to 9 pm.

Course Tema MeR-Born
María Chiara Bianchini, Marije Hristova, Lidia Mateo Leivas, Carlos Aguero, Ricard Conesa y David González



La última mirada #MapasDeMemoria

Project by the Council of Ciudad Real in collaboration with the International Center for Memory and Human Rights of the UNED, CIEMEDH, to census the graves and recover the bodies.

Francisco Etxeberría. Entrevista El País. 18/05/2017

Interview with Francisco Etxeberría.  By Inigo Domínguez. 

Read full interview

Germán Labrador. Proyecto Brandaris. 08/05/2017

“Una imagina la cultura como sede de la realidad. La otra cree que la cultura confirma o representa una realidad que está más allá.”

Interview with German Labrador. By Paul Beas Marin and Jairo Pulpillo Lopez.

Read full interview

Francisco Ferrándiz. Russian TV. 11/05/2017

Interview with Francisco Ferrándiz on the proposal in the Congress to exhume the remains of Francisco Franco of Valle de los Caídos

Francisco Ferrándiz. BBC World Service. 09/05/2017.

Cathedral of the Fallen

“Giles Tremlett takes us into the fierce battles being fought over The Valle de los Caidos, an enormous memorial to Spain’s civil war dead constructed by the dictator Francisco Franco. For some a greatmonument, for others a war crime, it has become a flashpoint for spiritual and political conflict.

The Valley of the Fallen is a giant cemetery, made visible by a basilica larger than St. Peters in Rome, carved into a mountain. Most striking of all is the free standing granite cross which at 150 metres is the tallest in the world. The visual association of Franco and Catholicism at the valley is stark, not least because of the giant cross; but it reflects the long held and close association between the two. The church supported Franco openly during the civil war, which lasted from 1936 until 1939.

In the aftermath of Franco’s death in 1975, Spain transitioned from dictatorship to democracy; but one aspect of the transition was silence over the issues of Francoist persecution and brutality. Today, the battle over how Franco and the Civil War should be remembered is one of the most significant religious and political conflicts in Spain; at the valley of the fallen, and the working church buried deep within it, they collide”. (BBC World Service)

Listen to full program 

Francisco Ferrándiz and Francisco Exteberria. 09/05/2017. Hora 25

“El abandono del Valle de los Caídos”

Listen to full program

More info: Los huesos olvidados del Valle de los Caídos 


Objetivo: Exhumar a Franco EITB

Equipo de redacción – TV EITB
March 30, 2017

The program investigates the difficulties  of families to recover the bodies of their relatives from the Valle de los Caídos.