CARDOSO, H. and RÍOS, L. (2010) Age Estimation From Stages of Epiphyseal Union in the Presacral Vertebrae
DATE TITLE AUTHORS TYPE 2010 Age Estimation From Stages of Epiphyseal Union in the Presacral Vertebrae Hugo F.V. CARDOSO Luis RÍOS Article
DATE TITLE AUTHORS TYPE 2010 Age Estimation From Stages of Epiphyseal Union in the Presacral Vertebrae Hugo F.V. CARDOSO Luis RÍOS Article
DATE TITLE AUTHOR TYPE 2010 The Intimacy of Defeat: Exhumations in Contemporary Spain Francisco FERRÁNDIZ Chapter
DATE TITLE AUTHOR TYPE 2010 Memory Politics among Perpetrators and Bereaved Relatives about Spain’s Mass Graves Antonius C. G. M. ROBBEN Chapter
DATE TITLE AUTHOR TYPE 2010 The Rupture of the World and the Conflicts of Memory Ignacio FERNÁNDEZ DE MATA Chapter
DATE TITLE AUTHOR TYPE 2010 Memorias en conflicto. Análisis antropológico de las políticas de la memoria en Andalucía Ángel DEL RÍO Article
DATE TITLE AUTHOR TYPE 2009 Exhumaciones y relatos de la derrota en la España actual Francisco FERRÁNDIZ Article
DATE TITLE AUTHOR TYPE 2009 Fosas comunes, paisajes del terror Francisco FERRÁNDIZ Article
DATE TITLE AUTHORS TYPE 2009 Restos humanos del Frente del Jarama en la Guerra Civil 1936-1939 Eduardo PENEDO Juan SANGUINO Francisco ETXEBERRIA Lourdes HERRASTI Antxon BANDRES Claudio ALBISU Article
DATE TITLE AUTHOR TYPE 2009 Patrimonio, ágora, ciudadanía. Lugares para negociar memorias productivas Montserrat INIESTA Chapter
DATE TITLE AUTHORS TYPE 2009 Fascismo y Transición: ‘Rocío’ y Fernando Ruiz Francisco ESPINOSA Ángel DEL RÍO Article
The underground past: exhumations and memory politics in Spain contemporary transnational and comparative perspective
PIE (CSIC) 200710I006
H2020 REFLECTIVE-5-2015, ref. 693523 (UNREST)
Centro de Ciencias Humanas y Sociales - Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas.
Offices: 1F25 and 1F18
Albasanz 26-28.
Madrid 28037 (Spain)