EDEN on Peace and Conflict Research
Network members have been working under the auspices of the Socrates Network HumanitarianNet to design a model of a European doctorate programme in Peace and Conflict Studies. At present, the agreed programme represents an addition to local/national doctorate programmes. As part of the requirements of the programme, research students will have to participate in two summer schools (Intensive Programme), spend a six-month research stay in another of the network’s training sites, and defend their research before an international committee that includes a member of EDEN’s Executive Board. In designing the model. The Network has taken as a reference the requirements established by the European Conference of Rectors. Taking into account the Bologna Declaration and the importance of high quality programmes in doctoral studies as a fundamental base for the creation of a European Research Area, the Network envisages the transformation of the existing European Doctoral Programme into a full-fledged European Doctorate.