CALL FOR PAPERS International Conference: The Cultural Politics of Memory
International Conference:
The Cultural Politics of Memory
Date: 14-16 May 2014
Place: Centre for Critical and Cultural Theory, Cardiff University
International Conference:
The Cultural Politics of Memory
Date: 14-16 May 2014
Place: Centre for Critical and Cultural Theory, Cardiff University
Deadline: 31 January 2014
The politics of remembering and forgetting are important social and cultural issues. The authority, power and resources with which to create hegemonic versions of the past – to give authoritative accounts that are available in the public domain – are largely the property of institutions. Questions of power, voice, representation and identity are central to Cultural and Collective Memory.
This interdisciplinary conference will address how hegemonic narratives of the past are reproduced or challenged. It will examine
the role of Cultural and Collective Memory in shaping meanings, values and identities. Papers are encouraged to address the relationship between past and present in Cultural and Collective Memory and how this relates to social power relations.
Papers are welcome in areas such as:
Cultural memory and the archive
Curating memory
Globalised memory
Marginalised histories
Memory and affect
Memory and anti-colonial struggle
Memory and class
Memory as gender/sexual politics
New technologies and memory
Public history
Racialised memory
Religion and cultural memory
Space, place and memory
Theoretical approaches to cultural and collective memory
Please send a 300 word extract and a short CV to: .
Deadline for the receipt of abstracts: 31 January 2014.