Nationalisms in Spain: Project Outline and Call for Proposals
Research project on ‘The Dynamics of Nationalist Evolution in Contemporary Spain’ based at the University of Liverpool and funded by the Economic and Social Research Council (UK)
A first workshop on ‘Nationalisms in Spain’ will be held in late September 2014 and proposals for papers are welcome, deadline 4 October 2013.
Call for proposals Researchers interested in contributing to the project are asked to send a proposal to Richard Gillespie ( by 4 October 2013.
This should consist of
* a paragraph on your research profile
* a 200 – word provisional abstract of your proposed paper
* an indication of how you see the paper contributing to aims of the workshop and fitting within the framework outlined.
We are particularly keen to encourage papers that involve comparison between the Basque and Catalan cases, but individual case studies will also be considered for the workshop. Final decisions on the proposals will be made by late October 2013, based not only on consideration of individual contents but also issues of balance between papers and overall coverage of the research questions.