Call for Papers: «The Arts of Memory»
Fecha límite: 15 de diciembre
The Fifth Interdisciplinary Memory Conference
The New School for Social Research
29-30 de marzo 2012
Fecha límite: 15 de diciembre
The Fifth Interdisciplinary Memory Conference
The New School for Social Research
29-30 de marzo 2012
ASA (Association of Social Anthropologists of the UK and Commonwealth)
Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India, 3rd-6th April 2012
Location [TBD]
Date and Start Time [TBD] at [TBD]
Safet Hadzimuhamedovic (Goldsmiths, University of London)
Short Abstract
Processes of memory survive through a myriad of artful skills. Their perduring performance adapts to specific contexts in order to communicate knowledge across time and space. This panel discusses imaginative solutions to remembrance, generally avoided by historiographies of art.
Puertollano. Del 22 al 24 de noviembre
24 y 25 noviembre
Organizado por el Departamento de Historia de la Comunicación Social de la Facultad de Ciencias de la Información de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid.
Barcelona, 21 y 22 de noviembre de 2013
Organiza: Centre d´Estudis sobre les Èpoques Franquista i Democràtica (CEFID-UAB) y Fundació Cipriano García de CCOO de Catalunya, con el apoyo de la Red de Archivos de CCOO.
el mar films junto a Casa América y Festival 4+1 presentan dos únicos pases en Madrid de la película NOSTALGIA DE LA LUZ de Patricio Guzmán
Francia-Alemania-Chile / 90’ / 2010
MAYOR PRIZE, Festival Internacional de Documental de Yamagata 2011 – MEJOR DOCUMENTAL, Festival de
Cine de Guadalajara y de Santa Bárbara 2011 – MEJOR DOCUMENTAL, Festival de Abu Dhabi 2010 –
PREMIO DEL PUBLICO, Festival de Toronto y Biarritz 2010
martes 25 de octubre
Casa de América
19:00 – Charla por Patricio Guzmán
20:00 – Proyección
21:30 – Coloquio con el autor,
moderado por Diego Mas Trelles
Lugar: Cine Iberia
Paseo Recoletos, 2.
Entrada libre, aforo limitado.
jueves 27 de octubre
Festival de Cine 4+1
20:00 – Proyección
21:30 – Coloquio con el autor, moderado por Gonzalo de Pedro
Lugar: Cines Golem
Martín de los Heros, 14.
Entradas: en taquilla, el mismo día a partir de las 16:00 h.
Primer Seminario: Ponente: Peter Anderson (University of Bath, UK)
Título: «En el nombre de los mártires: memoria, luto y castigo en el primer franquismo»
Texto a debate: In the Name of the Martyrs
Fecha y hora: Jueves, 10 de noviembre. 12:30 h.
Lugar: Sala de Reuniones. Facultad de Geografía e Historia. Segunda planta.
Cartel Seminario
Coordinadores: Jorge Marco y Gutmaro Gómez Bravo
La Cátedra MHSXX pone en marcha un Seminario de Investigación donde se puedan difundir y discutir los principales resultados de los trabajos, publicados o no, centrados en la memoria y la violencia de los conflictos traumáticos del siglo XX. A través de una perspectiva internacional e interdisciplinar, el Seminario pretende establecer un foro de discusión permanente donde confluyan las últimas líneas de investigación y las reflexiones metodológicas que han renovado estos estudios desde el ámbito de las ciencias sociales en las últimas décadas.
Cada sesión del Seminario se pondrá en marcha a través de un paper previo o un texto publicado recientemente que servirá como base de la exposición y del debate posterior. Un discussant realizará una presentación del autor y un breve análisis de la obra. Tras la exposición del autor, de una media hora, se pasará a la discusión posterior entre los asistentes.
Las sesiones del Seminario se celebrarán en la Facultad de Geografía e Historia de la UCM cada dos meses, sumando un total de cinco seminarios por curso académico.
E-mail de contacto:,
Sala Manuel de Terán 3F
16.00 José María González García: Theatrum mundi: la vida como escenario trágico y cómico
18.00 Encuentro con Ernesto Caballero
19.30 Lectura dramatizada
Presenta: Juan Mayorga (Instituto de Filosofía, CCHS-CSIC)
22-25 March 2012
Montréal, Québec, Canada
Deadline for Proposals deadline: 15 October 2011
The conference is organized by Concordia University’s Centre for Oral History and Digital Storytelling, the Montreal Institute for Genocide and Human Rights Studies and the Montreal Life Stories Project, a 7-year community-university research alliance that has explored the life of Montrealers displaced by war, genocide and other human rights violations. This international conference is timed to coincide with a month long series of public screenings, performances, workshops and round-tables that represent the culmination of our project. Each evening of the conference will see a major speaker or oral history performance that will be open to the general public. We hope that you will consider joining us in Montreal this coming March.
Deadline for Proposals (paper, performance, installation, round-table, etc):October 15.
Submit your one page proposal and curriculum vitae to Professor Steven High at
More info:
January 30-February 1, 2012
University of South Florida, Tampa
Sponsored by the USF Humanities Institute and the Departments of Anthropology and History
Call for Papers: Download the Call for Papers.
We invite contributions from scholars and artists from across the disciplines, and addressing any period in history. The organizers hope to develop an edited volume drawn from conference presentations. To be considered, please email a title and 250-word abstract to:
Dr. Elizabeth Bird.
Conference Objectives
The ever-repeated incidents of non-combat-related massacres and mass violence that happen in time of conflict have been a source of analysis by academics, the media, and legal authorities. Typically, such events are concealed, and witnesses silenced or ignored, often in the name of “moving on.” Yet the impulse to tell the story seems universal, and may be essential if true reconciliation is to be achieved. Worldwide, movements have emerged to break the silence and to restore dignity to those who died. In many cases the mass grave has become a potent source of evidence that may serve to validate the accounts of witnesses, whether the outcome is prosecution or more simply to “set the record straight” for history. In many contexts, artists have been inspired to create visual art, literature, and theatre as ways to narrate, validate, or memorialize such atrocities.
Although many disciplines have contributed to the worldwide debate on violence, memory, and human rights, rarely do they come together to share their insights. This small conference will offer a unique, interdisciplinary forum, in which forensic scientists may interact with poets, or historians with legal scholars, anthropologists and philosophers. They will examine questions such as: What circumstances precipitate mass violence? What is the impact on surviving individuals, families, and communities? How are massacres remembered – or forgotten? When and how can perpetrators be brought to justice, and victims acknowledged and compensated? What is the importance of exhumation and the presence of the physical body? What is the role of scholars, not only in documenting atrocities, but also in facilitating subsequent action and reparation? And how do the humanities, in the form of art, literature, poetry, music, film, and performance offer unique insights into both the persistence of trauma and recovery?
Details of the conference, including additional speakers, hotel information, and specific location, will be updated on the website of the Humanities Institute:
El pasado bajo tierra: exhumaciones y políticas de la memoria en la España contemporánea en perspectiva transnacional y comparada
PIE (CSIC) 200710I006
H2020 REFLECTIVE-5-2015, ref. 693523 (UNREST)
Centro de Ciencias Humanas y Sociales - Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas.
Despachos 1F25 y 1F18
C/Albasanz 26-28.
Madrid 28037 (España)