Call for papers
The Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences of Sabanci University, Istanbul and the Marie Curie Action «Sustainable Peace Building» funded under the EU’s 7th Framework Programme invite contributions to Interdisciplinary and Comparative Approaches to Ethnic Conflict: An International Symposium on 5-6 May 2012.
This interdisciplinary conference is dedicated to furthering our
understanding of the debates around the causes of ethnic violence, the
impact of ethnic tensions and violence on different groups, and the
challenges of regulating ethnic conflict on both a global and local
We invite papers around a wide range of themes:
-Ethnicity, Migration and the Diaspora
-Ethnicity, Media and Violence
-Ethnicity and Civil War
-Ethnicity, Conflict and Religion
-Ethnicity, Violence and Gender
-Ethnic Conflict, Reconciliation and Democratization
-International Regulation of Ethnic Conflict
Submission of Papers:
In the spirit of providing a widely inclusive platform for debate, we
invite abstracts for papers adopting a variety of critical approaches
to the study of ethnic conflict. However, comparative research
analyzing the challenges of accommodation in the Post-Ottoman
societies and the successor states are highly welcome. Please send
your CV and a 500 word maximum abstract of an unpublished paper by 1
February 2012 to
Successful applicants will be notified by 15 February 2012. Limited
funding is available for some participants. Some papers will be
selected for submissions to an edited book/journal.
Date and Venue:
5-6 May 2012; Sabanci University Karakoy
Communication Center, Bankalar Caddesi No. 2. Karaköy, Karakoy
District, European Side, Istanbul.
Organizing committee:
Ayşe Betül Çelik, Tessa Diphoorn, Victoria Araj
Further information