Proyecto Recuperación Memoria Histórica en Extremadura

El Proyecto para la Recuperación de la Memoria Histórica en Extremadura (PREMHEx) ha sido pionero en España en cuanto a sus planteamientos y objetivos. Fue creado para dar a conocer las consecuencias represivas de la Guerra Civil y el Franquismo en Extremadura, y tras varios años de funcionamiento consideramos que ha dado cumplida respuesta a esa demanda. La identificación con nombres y apellidos de las víctimas de la represión, el paulatino proceso de exhumación de fosas comunes a lo largo y ancho de la Comunidad Autónoma o sus publicaciones y actos académicos sobre ese pasado constituyen buena prueba de sus actividades. Asimismo su vocación de servicio público se aprecia con nitidez en esta web. Su localizador de desaparecidos ha sido permanentemente consultado por numerosos familiares de afectados que se han dirigido a nosotros solicitándonos información, peticiones que han tenido cumplida respuesta. Labor que continuaremos ofreciendo en esta renovada web, más completa y servicial, que pretende dar respuesta a esa demanda ciudadana de información con rigor y objetividad.

Proyecto The dynamics of cultural remembrance: an intermedial perspective

Does the medium make the memory? Within the cross-disciplinary field of cultural memory studies this programme focuses on the role played by different media (texts, images, monuments etc) in the evolution and maintenance of ‘memory sites.’ Through a series of interlinked case-studies it examines the interaction of different mnemonic practices over time, the influence of innovations within the media landscape on such practices, and their role in the shaping of social memory.

Centre for Genocide and Holocaust Studies

The Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies (CHGS) is an independent academic resource institution dedicated to educating all sectors of society about the Holocaust and other genocides. CHGS relies on your generous support to help us maintain and create our internationally recognized resources and programs.

Memory at war: Cultural Dynamics in Poland, Russia and Ukraine

Scholars and practitioners alike have framed the cultural and political transformations in Eastern Europe in terms of a ‘transition paradigm,’ as a passage from totalitarianism toward a horizon marked by the practices of modern liberal democracy. The Cambridge MAW team seeks to advance the state of the art by developing a ‘memory paradigm’ that casts the variety of these transformations as differential responses to legacies and traumas of the imperial, Soviet, and national pasts. In real time (2010-2013), the project explores the dynamics of cultural forms of memory and the interactions of these forms inside and across Poland, Ukraine, and Russia. It offers a new metric for measuring the profound changes that these countries have undergone since the collapse of the Soviet bloc and attempts to come to grips with the hidden obstacles populating the cultural field that can obstruct further and deeper changes.

Centre for Popular Memory

he Centre for Popular Memory (CPM) is an oral history based, research, advocacy and archival centre located at the University of Cape Town. We record and disseminate peoples’ stories to expand the democratizing possibilities of public history. The CPM trains students and organizations in oral/ visual history research, theory and forms of public representation; and runs a publicly accessible multi-lingual archive that contains over 3000 hours of audio and video.

Centro de Estudios de Migraciones y Exilios (CEME) de la UNED

El Centro de Estudios de Migraciones y Exilios (CEME) de la UNED nace con el objetivo de ser un espacio de referencia para la investigación, el conocimiento y la difusión del fenómeno migratorio histórico y contemporáneo. Aspira, además, a servir de enlace entre las instituciones dedicadas al estudio de estos temas.

War Crimes Studies Center (WCSC)

Established in 2000 at UC Berkeley, the War Crimes Studies Center (WCSC) is a university based research organization dedicated to promoting the rule of law, accountability, and human rights around the world, particularly in post-conflict societies. The War Crimes Studies Center pursues its mission through work in four areas: Trial Monitoring and Research, Archival Resource Development, Education and Civic Outreach, Justice Sector Capacity Building

The Towton Mass Grave Project – University of Bradford

In August 1996, workmen disturbed a portion of a mass-burial pit during building work at the location of the Towton battlefield (near Tadcaster, North Yorkshire). At the request of North Yorkshire County Council Heritage Unit, a team of osteoarchaeologists and archaeologists from Archaeological Sciences, University of Bradford and members of the West Yorkshire Archaeology Service excavated the mass grave. They recovered the mostly complete remains of 43 individuals from a grave pit which measured 6m x 2m and was only 50 cm in depth. These tightly-packed individuals were recovered through the application of three-dimensional recording of the deposit and its contents, scaled photographs, and in situ sketch drawings. The original appearance of the deposit and associated entangled arms and legs with discrete individuals has been recreated using computer-assisted design software.

The Memory Project: Stories of the Second World War

The Memory Project: Stories of the Second World War is an initiative of the Historica-Dominion Institute and is made possible with generous funding from Canadian Heritage. This nationwide bilingual project will create a record of Canada’s participation in the Second World War as seen through the eyes of thousands of veterans. The Memory Project will provide every living Second World War veteran with the opportunity to share their memories through oral interviews and digitized artefacts and memorabilia. These stories and artefacts will be available on this site for teachers, students and the general public.

Yad Vashem

Como monumento vivo del pueblo judío al Holocausto, Yad Vashem salvaguarda la memoria del pasado e imparte su significado para el futuro. Establecido en 1953 como centro mundial de documentación, investigación, educación y conmemoración del Holocausto, Yad Vashem es por hoy un sitio dinámico y vital de encuentro internacional e intergeneracional.