The case of victims in Spain and Europe Civil wars, terrorism and political acts of violence

La causa de las víctimas en España y Europa

28 May – 29 May 2012

Celebration place:

Casa de Velázquez
Ciudad universitaria
C/ de Paul Guinard, 3
28040 Madrid

Centro de Ciencias Humanas y Sociales (CSIC)
C/Albasanz, 26-28 (Sala 0E18)
28037 Madrid

Org. : École des hautes études hispaniques et ibériques (Casa de Velázquez, Madrid), Institut Marcel Mauss (EHESS/CNRS, Paris), Centro de Ciencias Humanas y Sociales (CSIC)
Col : Institut Marcel Mauss (EHESS/CNRS, Paris)

Nowadays, the political science works about the mobilization of the victims have been rather developed. Unfortunately, these studies ignore most of the time the Spanish fact which should be considered as one of the fields of investigation more appropriate and fertile to deal with this subject. The “case of victims” which could be terrorism, civil war or Franco system consequences, has been present in fact in the Spanish public debate for years.

However in Spain the cause of victims haven’t been analysed itself but in a few occasions and sometimes it is connected with subjects as the historical memory and the justice. The scarce studies trying to isolate the subject of the collective associations of victims are dealt either from a point of view psychological or historical and having a tendency to forget the contribution of the social and politic sciences.

Nevertheless we consider urgent and necessary to contribute to analyse deeply the “cause of victims” in Spain – the way it was set up and the types of reply which have been given rise – such as it is noticed in the mobilizations around the terrorism, Franco system and the civil war and whose bet in politician it is more and more important in Spain nowadays.

In this way, this international and interdisciplinary symposium will meet sociologists, anthropologists, political researchers and historians who will try to compare systematically which it is noticed in Spain from other fields of European investigations (France, Italy, Ex-Yugoslavia, etc). Therefore the aim is to get to know why is special and important the Spanish case in the potential development of the feeling of “victimhood” in Europe during the XX and XXI centuries.

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