Relatos de Resistencia contra el Olvido

Conference (in Sapanish) by: 

Ariel Arango
(Cofundador de ENTRELAZANDO, productor y director)
Wednesday, June 21 de 2017
12:00 – 14:00 hours
Centro Cultural La Corrala
Museo de Artes y Tradiciones Populares

Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
C/ Carlos Arniches, 3 y 5
28005 – Madrid
Metro: La Latina y Tirso de Molina

Free Entry



Oroimen Ekintzen diagnosia (Gipuzkoa) / Diagnóstico de las acciones de memoria en Guipúzcoa

Conference (in Spanish) by:

Olatz Retegi Rekalde
Thursday, June 8, 2017
12:00 – 14:00 hours
Sala María Moliner (1F8)
Centro de Ciencias Humanas y Sociales, CSIC
C/Albasanz, 26-28
Metro Suanzes & Ciudad Lineal

Free entry



“Donde el bosque se espesa”. UNREST – MICOMICÓN

“Donde el bosque se espesa” 


In the framework of the European Project UNREST, the team has been working on the creation of a show about the exhumations in Poland, Bosnia Herzegovina and Spain.

We present the 1st TEASER and soon we will provide more information.

II Foro de MemorÁgora

Memorias en Red



Memory Work: trabajo de memoria (colectivo)

Conference (in Catalan) by

María Ruido
(Artista, realizadora, investigadora i docent. Universitat de Barcelona)


May 10, 2017
18:00 – 20:00 hours
– Aula 205 –
Facultat de Geografia i Història – UB
C/Montalegre nº 6 Barcelona
Metro Universitat & Catalunya

Second Annual Conference of the Memory Studies Association


Second Annual Conference of the Memory Studies Association Copenhague

Copenhagen, 14-16 December 2017

Founded last year in Amsterdam, the Memory Studies Association (MSA) aims at institutionalizing memory studies as a research field that is able to provide fundamental knowledge about the importance and function of memories in the public and private realm. The MSA’s objective is to provide a central forum for developing, discussing, and exchanging ideas about the methodology and theory of the inter- and multi-disciplinary field of memory studies.

By addressing crucial questions about the challenges and future of memory studies, this year’s conference will continue the fruitful debates that began in Amsterdam. A starting point of our discussions is to further define the ‘third wave’ of memory studies: One of the central problems of memory studies today is to adjust to the increasing heterogeneity of remembering without losing sight of national and local memory formations. Even in our globalized world, legal and mental borders are far from dissolved. The growing number of nationalist movements in Europe point to the continued virility of the national framework of remembrance.

This conference wants to address “memory unbound” as well as specific personal, familial or national memories and their mutual interrelations. It seeks answers to questions such as: How can memory studies continue to conceptualize the deterritorialized, fluid and transnational aspects of collective memory without abolishing the validity of the founding ideas of memory studies? Acknowledging the fact that memories relate not only to the presence of the past but also to imaginations of the future, how can we define the productive power of memory? Should memory studies merely be perceived as descriptive or should it also have an impact on actual political debates?

Confirmed keynote speakers and participants of this conference include: Marianne Hirsch (Columbia University), filmmaker Joshua Oppenheimer (“The Act of Killing” and “The Look of Silence”), Jan Gross (Princeton University), as well as Ann Rigney (University of Utrecht), Fionnuala Dillane (University College of Dublin), Stef Craps (University of Ghent), Daniel Levy (Stony Brook University, New York), Siobhan Kattago (University of Tartu), Astrid Erll (Goethe-University Frankfurt), Jeffrey Olick (University of Virginia), Emilie Pine (University College of Dublin), Barbara Törnquist-Plewa (University of Lund), William Hirst (The New School, New York), Wulf Kansteiner (University of Aarhus), Silke Arnold-de Simine (Birkbeck, London).

The Memory Studies Association aims to be the central forum for scholars from around the world and across disciplines who are interested in memory studies. Its goal is to further establish and extend the status of memory studies as a field.  As such, this second meeting of the association invites all those interested in being part of this important emerging enterprise. As an interdisciplinary forum for memory studies, we warmly welcome contributions from various research fields and explicitly invite transdisciplinary approaches.

Submissions of papers and panels can address but are not limited to:

  • Memory of migration of refugees and workers
  • Traumatic memories
  • Ethics of memory
  • Memory and the media
  • Memory and the global
  • Entangled or multidirectional memories.
  • Psychology of Collective Memory
  • Gendered memories
  • Geography and the memory of sites/spaces
  • Sociological approaches to memory
  • Memory in the digital age
  • Memory and cultural heritage
  • Teaching memory studies

We would like to encourage both the submission of “traditional” academic papers and full panels, as well as innovative proposals for workshops, film screenings, roundtable discussions and more. Please contact the organizers if you would like to discuss ideas or have questions.

The submission system is now open and will close on 1st July 2017.

You can find more information about the conference and venue here.

Further questions can be addressed to Tea Sindbæk Andersen or to Jessica Ortner

 More information 

Francisco Ferrándiz “Anthropology on the Front Lines: Honoring the Work of Nancy Schemer-Hughes”




Monday, May 1, 2017 – 08:00 to Tuesday, May 2, 2017 – 20:00

UC Berkeley Anthropology Department

Anthropology on the Front Lines: Honoring the Work of Nancy Scheper-Hughes



Distinguished Speakers:

  • Marcelo Súarez-Orozco Dean Graduate School Education, UCLA
  • Margaret Lock Bronfman Professor Emerita Social Medicine, McGill University
  • Naomar Monteiro de Almeida-Filho President Federal University of Southern Bahia, Brazil
  • Juan Thomas Ordóñez Professor University Rosario Bogotá
  • Sherry B. Ortner Distinguished Professor UCLA
  • Kimberly Theidon Henry Lear Chair in International Humanitarian Studies Fletcher School of Diplomacy, Tufts University
  • Matthew Gutmann Director Brown University International Advanced Research Institutes
  • Francisco J. Ferrándiz Senior Faculty Spanish National Research Council
  • Kim Hopper Professor Sociomedical Sciences Columbia University
  • Calin Goina Professor Babes-Bolay University Cluj Romania
  • Donald Boström Swedish War Correspondent & Photographer
  • Dr. Jorge Perez Avila Former Director National AIDS Program Cuba
  • Meira Weiss Rose Chair Emerita Hebrew University Jerusalem
  • Philippe Bourgois Director Social Medicine and the Humanities UCLA
  • Gail Kligman Vice Provost International Institute UCLA
  • Donna Goldstein Professor University of Colorado Boulder
  • Misha Kline Assoc. Professor University of Oklahoma
  • Zvika Orr Faculty & Program Director Jerusalem College of Technology

To know more


But I want to speak out: Making art from women’s testimonies

Conference (in English) by: 

Olivera Simić
(Griffith University, Australia)
Tuesday, May 4, 2017
12:00 – 14:00 hours
Sala María Moliner (1F8)
Centro de Ciencias Humanas y Sociales, CSIC
C/Albasanz, 26-28
Metro Suanzes & Ciudad Lineal

Free entry



Seizing Sovereignty (and República) on a Heritage Battlefield: Villalar de los Comuneros, 1521-2016

Conference (in English) by: 

Thomas Abercrombie & S. Elizabeth Penry
(New York University & Fordham University)
Tuesday, April 20, 2017
12:00 – 14:00 hours
Sala María Moliner (1F8)
Centro de Ciencias Humanas y Sociales, CSIC
C/Albasanz, 26-28
Metro Suanzes & Ciudad Lineal

Free entry

