Forensic Truth Polish Debates about the Exhumation in Jedwabne

Conference by: 

Ewa Domanska
(Universidad de Adam Mickiewicz, Poznan / Stanford University)

Thursday, November 16, 2017
12:00 – 14:00 hours
Sala María Moliner (1F8)
Centro de Ciencias Humanas y Sociales, CSIC
C/Albasanz, 26-28
Metro Suanzes & Ciudad Lineal

Free entry



6th Global Conference on Genocide


6th Global Conference on Genocide
Medical Faculty of Aix-Marseille University (France), 4-7 July 2018

Genocide and Mass Violence : diagnosis, treatment, and recovery ?
Humanities, social and medical sciences facing extreme violence

Conference Steering Committee
Dr. Elisabeth Anstett, CNRS, Chair of the Committee
Mme Laetitia Delouis, CNRS-AMU, Coordinator of the Committee
Mr Valery Ravix, AMU, IT manager

Conference Scientific Committee
Prof. Pascal Adalian, forensic anthropologist, AMU (France)
Dr. Pamela Colombo, sociologist, EHESS (France)
Prof. Jean-Marc Dreyfus, historian, the University of Manchester (UK)
Dr. Francisco Ferrandiz, social anthropologist, CSIC (Spain)
Prof. Caroline Fournet, legal scholar, University of Groningen (Netherlands)
Prof. Sévane Garibian, legal scholar, University of Geneva (Switzerland)
Dr. Gabriel Gatti, sociologist, University of Basque Country (Spain)
Dr. Anne Guillou, social anthropologist, CNRS (France)
Prof. Mario Ranaletti, historian, Universidad Nacional Tres de Febrero (Argentina)
Nicky Rousseau, historian, University of Western Cape (RSA)
Dr. Michel Signoli, archaeologist, CNRS (France)

The International Network of Genocide Scholars (INoGS) was founded in January 2005 in Berlin to provide genocide studies with a non-partisan forum through which to present research and analysis on any aspect of genocide as well as other forms of collective violence. Because genocide is a highly contested legal, historical, sociological and political concept, INoGS has, since its founding, maintained support of research-led analysis rather than politically-defined agendas.
The series of Global Conferences organized by INoGS since 2009 in Sheffield, Brighton, San Francisco, Cape Town and Jerusalem, have witnessed intensified scholarly engagement with a range of issues of fundamental importance to the field of genocide studies, including theoretical and methodological approaches to the subject, the legal and ethical bases upon which to approach episodes of extreme violence, as well as the need to develop more effective means of stopping and preventing mass violence globally.

Conference aims
For more than 70 years, following the seminal analysis developed by legal scholar Raphael Lemkin, academics, practitioners, and researchers from a variety of disciplines have addressed the issue of genocide and mass violence using a wide range of empirical and theoretical approaches to explore case studies throughout history. Interdisciplinary research across the humanities, legal and social sciences, as well as comparative approaches, have thus characterized genocide studies.
However, even if extreme violence is relevant to various medical fields such as psychology, psychiatry and forensic anthropology, dialogue with the humanities and social sciences has been slow to develop. The 6th Global Conference of INoGS, to be held at the Medical Faculty of Aix-Marseille University (France) on 4-7 July 2018, therefore seeks to open new avenues for research on extreme violence while stimulating interdisciplinary exchanges between the humanities, social and medical sciences. The early detection and prevention of mass violence represents a global challenge for each and every one of these fields of knowledge.
This conference will thus seek to discuss various examples of past and contemporary mass crimes, delve into the causes as well as the short and long-term effects of genocidal processes, and foster dialogue between stakeholders who rarely exchange views.

Conference topics
The organizers invite proposals for papers, panels and roundtables on any aspect of genocide and mass crime. We are especially keen to receive proposals from Latin America, Asia and Africa. Scholars working on topics such as sexual violence, forced disappearances, torture, mass trauma, forced separation of children from their families, conflict resolution, and mediation initiatives are particularly encouraged to submit abstracts. Presentations on recent experiences of mass violence, such as those in Syria, Darfur, Iraq, Mexico, Colombia, and Myanmar are expressly welcome. We encourage the submission of papers and panels on issues regarding violence contamination and containment processes. Another theme of particular interest is that of humanitarian intervention and the ethical challenges it poses.

Other topics of interest include but are not restricted to :

Symptoms and diagnoseis
Individual cases or comparative analyses of genocide and mass violence
Colonialism and mass crime
Prevention of collective violence
Gendered violence, abduction and forced transfer of children from their families Mass trauma : voices of victims 
Roles of perpetrators, bystanders and victims
Forensic architecture, satellite imagery and tools for detecting mass murder
Mass death and migration
Refugee camps

International law, criminal tribunals, and the International Criminal Court
Humanitarian and military interventions
Transitional justice 
Mass exhumations and identification of victims
DNA banks


The repercussions of mass violence in both the short and long term
The politics of apology, reconciliation and restitution
Genocide denial, justifications and silences
Memorialization and commemoration of atrocities
Genocide, mass violence and the internet
Representations of genocide in literature, film, art, music and other media
Academic and educational practice within the field of genocide studies

Submission procedure

Participation is not restricted to INoGS members. We welcome interdisciplinary and theoretically-informed approaches as well as trans-disciplinary dialogue. Submissions from scholars, postgraduate students, as well as practitioners and researchers working in government, the NGO sector and other institutions are invited.
From mid October 2017, prospective participants will be able to upload proposals in the form of abstracts of no more than 250 words via the conference website at . A biographical sketch of no more than 100 words will also be required. Panel and roundtable submissions need, in addition, to explain the rationale behind the suggestion. Queries relating to this process can be sent to . Applicants can expect to learn the outcome of their proposals within four weeks of submission. After their proposals have been accepted participants will need to register online at which contains further information about the conference, fees, accommodation options, travel advice, and other relevant matters. Participants registering before 15th February will receive a 10% discount for early registration.

The closing date for paper, panel and roundtable submissions is 15th March 2018.

Funding Opportunities
INoGS is pleased to announce that funding is available to subsidize the attendance of scholars and PhD students from the Global South and from countries experiencing major financial difficulties. The number of grants available is limited. 
Prospective presenters from the Global South and from countries experiencing major financial difficulties are thus invited to apply for support to attend the conference under the conference website’s “SCHOLARSHIPS” tab, after their paper or panel proposal has been accepted. The closing date for applications is 28th February 2018 and awards will be announced before the end of March 2018. Please refer to the conference website for details.


Postgraduate course: “Social Memory and Human Rights: Social and Forensic Sciences in the face of contemporary conflicts”


UNED 2017/2018

Postgraduate and Professional Development Program with Modular Structure.
“Social Memory and Human Rights: Social and Forensic Sciences in the face of contemporary conflicts”.


The objective of this program is to offer its graduates the essential tools and concepts to understand and analyze in depth the memory and human rights management processes in postconflict situations so that, from their respective professional fields, they can contribute to create informed opinion and / or design public policies with adequate and solid theoretical and practical background.

Más allá de la memoria antropocéntrica en el cine de Patricio Guzmán

Conference (in Spanish) by: 

Alison Ribeiro de Menezes
(University of Warwick) 
Thursday,  October 19, 2017
12:00 – 14:00 hours
Sala María Moliner (1F8)
Centro de Ciencias Humanas y Sociales, CSIC
C/Albasanz, 26-28
Metro Suanzes & Ciudad Lineal

Entrada libre/ La conferencia se impartirá en castellano



Novel•lar el Silenci.

Conference by: 

Verena Boos
(Author of the novel “Taronges de sang”)   
Monday, October 2, 2017
18:00 – 20:00 hours
Aula 222
Facultat de Geografia i Història (Universitat de Barcelona)
C/ Montalegre, 6
Metro Universitat – Catalunya – Liceu

Free entry
How to get?

For more information: Facebook of Rastres i Rostres

Full program in ivoox


Call for papers. International Conference Registering Political Violence: Technologies, Uses, and Effects – Chile

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The research project “Political Technologies of Memory: A Genealogy (1973-2013) of the Devices of Registration, Denunciation, Compensation and Memory of Human Rights Violations by the Military Dictatorship in Chile” of Alberto Hurtado University, the Interdisciplinary Programme in Memory and Human Rights of the same university, invite the submission of papers and art works for its international conference “Registering Political Violence: Technologies, Uses, and Effects.”

This international conference will analyse and critically assess different experiences of public and private registry and accounting for contemporary episodes of massive political violence. The conference will address cases of societies torn apart by experiences of war, armed conflicts, state repression, genocide, massacres and forced migration involving politically motivated gross human rights violations, from the particular perspective of the registration and communication of these atrocities to society at large.

Proposals for papers may address but are not limited to the following general topics:

  • Accounting for political violence and repertoires of terror
  • Accounting for political violence and human rights archives
  • Accounting for political violence and victims
  • Accounting for political violence and denunciation
  • Political violence, vulnerability and resistance
  • Truth recovery and registration of political violence
  • Registration of political violence, knowledge, technologies and expertise
  • Technologies of truth and evidence making
  • Purposes, limitations and effects of accounting for political violence
  • Political violence, registration and research (judicial, academic, policy oriented)
  • Political violence, registration and social policies
  • Accounting for political violence and victims identification, qualification and reparation
  • Accounting for political violence, memory and memorialization
  • Accounting for political violence and the arts

In addition, artists, activists, university academics, and designers are encouraged to submit short audio-visual material, digital work and projects related to the central issues posed by the conference.

International Keynotes:

Vikki Bell, Goldsmiths College 

Béatrice Fraenkel, School of Higher Studies in Social Sciences, France.


-Paper abstracts submission: 10th October 2017

-Audio/visual work submission: 10th October 2017



Course Memorias en Red “The present of the past: course of introduction to memory studies”.

NEXT COURSE of Memorias en Red

“The present of the past: course of introduction to memory studies”.


It will take place in the Born, Center of Culture and Memory of Barcelona, throughout October of 2017.

All sessions will be held from 7 to 9 pm.

Course Tema MeR-Born
María Chiara Bianchini, Marije Hristova, Lidia Mateo Leivas, Carlos Aguero, Ricard Conesa y David González



SUMMER COURSE UPV-EHU “Massive violence, mass graves and human rights. Perspectives from the forensic and social sciences”


“Massive violence, mass graves and human rights. Perspectives from the forensic and social sciences”


UPV-EHU Summer Courses, under the direction of Francisco Etxeberria: Mass violence, mass graves and human rights. Perspectives from the forensic and social sciences.


This course aims to link the technical aspects of the forensic and social sciences as essential elements for the obtaining of useful evidence for the judicial authorities. Specifically, will be exposed the validity of what is being done for the institutions regarding exhumations of victims of the Civil War.




The course will be a continuation of the one held in 2015 under the title “Contributions of Forensic Anthropology in the framework of Human Rights and Humanitarian Action”.

This course aims to link the technical aspects of the forensic and social sciences as essential elements for the obtaining of useful evidence for the judicial authorities. Specifically, will be exposed the validity of what is being done for the institutions regarding exhumations of victims of the Civil War.

It is intended to discuss a topic in which a social sector demands more institutional actions.




09:00 – 09:15

Reception ansubmission of documentation

09:15 – 10:30

“Current state of exhumations of the Civil War: contributions to human rights”

  • Francisco Etxeberria Gabilondo UPV/EHU – Professor of Forensic Medicine
10:30 – 10:45


10:45 – 12:00

“International Protocols on Exhumations: The Right to Justice”

  • Laura Pego Otero Basque Institute of Criminology, UPV/EHU – Lawyer and researcher
12:00 – 12:15


12:15 – 13:30

“The role of the criminologist in the configuration the evidences on exhumations and human rights”

  • Rakel Pérez Basque Institute of Criminology, UPV/EHU – Criminologist and researcher


09:00 – 10:00

“The impact of global human rights on Spanish exhumations.”

  • Francisco Ferrándiz Martín Spanish National Research Council –  Senior researcher
10:00 – 11:00

“The Spanish Justice in front of the crimes of the Franco regime and the International Jurisdiction. The Amnesty Act of 1977 “

  • Jacinto Lara Bonilla Association Pro Human Rights of Spain—JACINTO lARA BONILLA – Lawyer of CEAQUA, State Coordinator of Support to the Querella Argentina, President de la APDHE
11:00 – 11:30


11:30 – 12:30

“Procedural status of the Querella Argentina about the victims of the Franco regime”

  • Ana Messuti CEAQUA para la querella de Argentina – Jurist and lawyer
12:30 – 13:30

“The victims of Francoism and its protection in front of the Spanish courts of justice: procedural and substantive issues”

  • Patxi Etxeberria Guridi UPV/EHU – Professor of Procedural Law
  • Enara Garro Carrera UPV/EHU – Professor of Criminal Law (acred.)


09:00 – 13:00

“Round Table of Historical Memory Associations: Institutions in the face of scientific-social evidence and human rights”

  • Chato Galante Political prisoner of the Franco regime and member of the Association “La Comuna” of Madrid
  • Josu Ibargutxi San Pedro    -Political prisoner of the Franco regime, member of “Goldatu Elkartea” and Coordinator of the Basque Platform against the crimes of Franco
  • Emilio Silva   – Member of the Asociación para la Recuperación de la memoria Histórica
16:00 – 19:00

Visit to the Kattintxiki grave in Oiartzun and explanation in the town hall of Oiartzun




On 6th and 7th July in Madrid took place the Annual Internal Workshop

BELOW GROUND: Mass Grave Exhumations and Human Rights in Historical, Transnational and Comparative Perspective  (I+D+i CSO 2015-66104-R)

During two intense days we shared 6 panels – 21 individual presentations- and a project meeting to know everyone´s research and continue with the organization of next year´s International Congress.

Many thanks to all for coming to Madrid. And especially thanks to everyone for sharing, talking and continuing to learn together. We continue to grow one more year as an International Research Team.



Perspectivas globales en Arqueología forense. Su uso en casos judiciales y humanitarios.

Conference by: 

Nicholas Márquez-Grant
(Cranfield Forensic Institute, Cranfield University, UK) 
Monday, June 12, 2017
18.00 – 20.00 hours
Aula 411
Facultat de Geografia i Història (Universitat de Barcelona)
C/ Montalegre, 6
Metro Universitat – Catalunya – Liceu

Full program in ivoox

How to get?

For more information: Facebook of Rastres i Rostres
