DOUGLAS, Lee (2015). The Arts of Recognition



The Arts of Recognition Lee DOUGLAS Chapter

ALBA Human Rights Film Festival

On Wednesday, October 28, Lee Douglas and Jorge Moreno Andrés’ documentary film What Remains will be screened at the Impugning Impunity: ALBA Human Rights Film Festival at the Cervantes Institute in New York.

Margaret Mead Film Festival

On Sunday, October 25, Lee Douglas and Jorge Moreno Andrés’ documentary film What Remains will be showcased in the 39th Annual Margaret Mead Film Festival at the American Museum of Natural History in New York.


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Video recordings of the conference “Body, science, memory and politics in contemporary exhumations”

International conference

Body, Science, Memory and Politics in Contemporary Exhumations

CCHS-CSIC, salón de actos.

Madrid, 2015, July 2 and 3.

Chairperson: Francisco Ferrándiz (CSIC)

Scientific Committee: Lee Douglas (NYU/CSIC), Francisco Etxeberria (UPV-EHU/ ARANZADI), Marije Hristova (U Maastricht), Zoé de Kerangat (CSIC/UAM), Julián López (UNED), M.Laura Martín-Chiappe (CSIC/UAM), Alfonso Villalta (UNED).



Keynote speech:

Jorge González (UCM La Habana) Rescuing the remains of Che Guevara (Spanish)



Session 1: Exhumed bodies and Human Rights

Stephanie Golob (CUNY-Baruch) The once and future citizen: Exhumed bodies within domestic, regional and international legal frameworks

Carlos Beristain (U Deusto) Bodies and truth commissions (Spanish)

Oran Finegan (ICRC) Principles and recommendations for humanitarian forensic actions: Experiences with the International Committee of the Red Cross (Spanish)

Alejandro Baer (U Minnesota) and Natan Sznaider (AC Tel-Aviv) Truth and testimony: From text to bones in Holocaust memory



Session 2: Exhumed bodies: Case studies

Paloma Aguilar (UNED) and Francisco Ferrándiz (CSIC) Exhumations and the press during Spain’s transition to democracy: The case of ‘Interviú’ (Spanish)

Sarah Wagner (GWU) Innovation and intervention: The forensic work of identifying Srebrenica’s missing, twenty years on

Ángel del Río (UPO) Uncomfortable bodies in Andalusia (Spanish)

Queralt Solé (UB) Bodily politics in the Civil War Battlefields of Catalonia (Spanish)



Session 3: Techno-scientific bodies

Zoe Crossland (U Columbia) Testifying bodies

Paco Etxeberría, Lourdes Herrasti and Luis Ríos (Aranzadi) Exhumations and forensic labs (Spanish)

Elisabeth Anstett (CNRS) About the ‘necro-market’ and the globalisation of mass exhumations

Luis Fondebrider (EAAF) Trans-migrant bodies in Mexico (Spanish)



Session 4: Bodies as social processes

Jean-Marc Dreyfus (U Manchester) A diplomacy of corpses after WWII

Francisco Ferrándiz (CSIC) From tears to pixels: Emotional transfer during Spanish exhumations (Spanish)

María García (UNED) From body to relic (Spanish)



Session 5: Bodies as cultural productions

Antonius C.G.M. Robben (U Utrecht) Sovereign bodies: The cultural production of disappearance and re-appearance in Argentina

Lee Douglas (NYU/CSIC) What remains: Reflections of documentary practice, the language of cinema and the narration of violence

Marije Hristova (U Maastricht) Literature: From ghost to body (Spanish)

Germán Labrador (Princeton U) and Ulrike Capdepón (U Columbia) From exhumed to evicted (Spanish)


Conference on Universal Justice and Historical Memory: With lmpunity there is no Democracy. To judge the crimes of the Francoist dictatorship

Monday 21 st September

6pm Presentation  EP Pl G2

With documentary “Éramos vecinos” and theatrical act by Juan Diego Botto EN-ES

Tuesday 22nd September

10-12:30: Antifascism in Europe. Justice and reparation for the victims – EP PHS 68001 ES-EN-IT-GR

15 pm – 17 pm: The Argentinian lawsuit and the impunity of the Francoist dictatorship – EPVoxbox

19pm – Homage to the 40th anniversary of the last Francoist executions – Federico García Lorca cultural centre, 47 rue des Foulons

Wednesday 23rd September

9 am: Press conference

10 am – 12:30 pm: Universal Justice: A tool against the impunity of international crimes – EPVoxbox


Mexico Ayotzinapa massacre: new theory suggests illicit cargo motivated attack

Carlos Beristain

Carlos Beristain and Ángela Buitrago, group of independent experts.

As first anniversary into killing and disappearance of 43 students in Guerrero approaches, experts speculate corrupt police were recovering heroin or money that local drug gang stashed inside mysterious ‘fifth bus’


Court mulling first exhumation at Valley of the Fallen monument

For the first time ever, the Spanish courts have been presented with a civil lawsuit demanding the exhumation of bodies from the Valley of the Fallen, the enormous Francoist monument outside Madrid where over 30,000 victims of Spain’s Civil War dead lie buried.

Purificación Lapeña Garrido, whose grandfather and great-uncle were executed by General Francisco Franco’s forces at the beginning of the Civil War (1936-1939) and allegedly buried in the Valley of the Fallen, is trying to recover their remains through legal channels.


Belchite, a village between ruins

Belchite, un pueblo entre ruinas


In search of transcultural memory in Europe (ISTME)

University of Dubrovnik (Croatia), 17 th – 19 th September 2015.

This Action aims to go beyond the nationally oriented memory studies that tend to reify the bond between culture, nation and memory. Instead we investigate the transcultural dynamics of memory in Europe today. Studying how memories of the troubled twentieth century are transmitted and received across Europe, the Action explores the tension between attempts to create a common European memory, or a unitary memory ethics, on the one hand and numerous memory conflicts stemming from Europe’s fragmentation into countless memory communities on the other.


In Search of Transcultural Memory in Europe_final programme


Presentación del Centro Internacional de Estudios de Memoria y Derechos Humanos (CIEMEDH)

Presentación CIEMEDH

El próximo 1 de julio a las 17:00 horas se presentará en Escuelas Pías (C/Tribulete 14, Madrid) el Centro Internacional de Estudios de Memoria y Derechos Humanos.

El CIEMEDH es un centro de investigación de la UNED que nace con el objetivo de fomentar las investigaciones,
la formación docente, el trabajo técnico y la divulgación de los estudios internacionales sobre desapariciones forzadas, actos de violencia masiva y vulneración de los derechos humanos.

17:00 Presentación del CIEMEDH

Alejandro Tiana Ferrer (Rector de la UNED)

Julián López García (Director del CIEMEDH)
María García Alonso (Vicerrectora de la UNED)

18:30 “Las exhumaciones de la Guerra Civil en España”

Francisco Etxeberría (UPV-Aranzadi)

19:30 Mesa Redonda: “Desapariciones forzadas
y Derechos Humanos en el mundo contemporáneo”

Paco Lobatón (QSD Global)
Carlos Beristain (Universidad de Deusto)
Emilio Silva (ARMH)
Modera: Francisco Ferrándiz (CSIC)

20:45 Acto de clausura