Exhibition: “The democratic skylight. Policies of life and death in the Spanish State (1868 – 1976)”

Exposición: “The democratic skylight. Policies of life and death in the Spanish State (1868 – 1976)”

The exhibition critically reviews the relationships between death, politics and democratic memory regarding contemporary Spanish history, from a horizon of human rights and cultures of peace.
The tour raises a mature debate of the collective past on political violence, as well as the ways to resist it, fight it, discuss it and remember it, proposing historical alternatives, resistance approaches, rejections and adaptive strategies. The first part goes through the citizen struggles from the democratic six-year term to 1936; a second module focuses on the Civil War; a third is dedicated to the dictatorship, to lead, lastly, to the origins of the Transition. Through these dissidences, revolts and daily practices, democratic rights were built. As a whole, it is a long tunnel of the past where the shadows and lights of history can still be seen. With a story that is sensitive to dissidence, opposition and daily practices over the last hundred and fifty years, the project has 266 original works from 71 providers, all national, and is complemented by a large number of photographic and 11 audiovisual reproductions.
The name of the exhibition, Skylight, is a tribute to the celebrated work that Antonio Buero Vallejo premiered in 1967, “El skylight” where he proposes a science-fiction journey between two eras, the Spanish postwar period and the 25th century. In the piece, the inhabitants of a distant future are dedicated to investigating history: they have a “skylight”, a powerful vision machine that allows them to project fragments of the past onto their present. Thus, they reconstruct the lives of those who preceded them, to wonder how their dramas and demands, their struggles and their cruelties also belong to them.

Sala de Exposiciones La Alqueria
Nuevos Ministerios
(Madrid, Spain)
24 March-23 July 2023

Further information


SUMMER COURSE UPV-EHU “Massive violence, mass graves and human rights. Perspectives from the forensic and social sciences”


“Massive violence, mass graves and human rights. Perspectives from the forensic and social sciences”


UPV-EHU Summer Courses, under the direction of Francisco Etxeberria: Mass violence, mass graves and human rights. Perspectives from the forensic and social sciences.


This course aims to link the technical aspects of the forensic and social sciences as essential elements for the obtaining of useful evidence for the judicial authorities. Specifically, will be exposed the validity of what is being done for the institutions regarding exhumations of victims of the Civil War.




The course will be a continuation of the one held in 2015 under the title “Contributions of Forensic Anthropology in the framework of Human Rights and Humanitarian Action”.

This course aims to link the technical aspects of the forensic and social sciences as essential elements for the obtaining of useful evidence for the judicial authorities. Specifically, will be exposed the validity of what is being done for the institutions regarding exhumations of victims of the Civil War.

It is intended to discuss a topic in which a social sector demands more institutional actions.




09:00 – 09:15

Reception ansubmission of documentation

09:15 – 10:30

“Current state of exhumations of the Civil War: contributions to human rights”

  • Francisco Etxeberria Gabilondo UPV/EHU – Professor of Forensic Medicine
10:30 – 10:45


10:45 – 12:00

“International Protocols on Exhumations: The Right to Justice”

  • Laura Pego Otero Basque Institute of Criminology, UPV/EHU – Lawyer and researcher
12:00 – 12:15


12:15 – 13:30

“The role of the criminologist in the configuration the evidences on exhumations and human rights”

  • Rakel Pérez Basque Institute of Criminology, UPV/EHU – Criminologist and researcher


09:00 – 10:00

“The impact of global human rights on Spanish exhumations.”

  • Francisco Ferrándiz Martín Spanish National Research Council –  Senior researcher
10:00 – 11:00

“The Spanish Justice in front of the crimes of the Franco regime and the International Jurisdiction. The Amnesty Act of 1977 “

  • Jacinto Lara Bonilla Association Pro Human Rights of Spain—JACINTO lARA BONILLA – Lawyer of CEAQUA, State Coordinator of Support to the Querella Argentina, President de la APDHE
11:00 – 11:30


11:30 – 12:30

“Procedural status of the Querella Argentina about the victims of the Franco regime”

  • Ana Messuti CEAQUA para la querella de Argentina – Jurist and lawyer
12:30 – 13:30

“The victims of Francoism and its protection in front of the Spanish courts of justice: procedural and substantive issues”

  • Patxi Etxeberria Guridi UPV/EHU – Professor of Procedural Law
  • Enara Garro Carrera UPV/EHU – Professor of Criminal Law (acred.)


09:00 – 13:00

“Round Table of Historical Memory Associations: Institutions in the face of scientific-social evidence and human rights”

  • Chato Galante Political prisoner of the Franco regime and member of the Association “La Comuna” of Madrid
  • Josu Ibargutxi San Pedro    -Political prisoner of the Franco regime, member of “Goldatu Elkartea” and Coordinator of the Basque Platform against the crimes of Franco
  • Emilio Silva   – Member of the Asociación para la Recuperación de la memoria Histórica
16:00 – 19:00

Visit to the Kattintxiki grave in Oiartzun and explanation in the town hall of Oiartzun


EAAF exhibition in the Remembrance and Human Rights Center ex ESMA

The Remembrance and Human Rights Center ex ESMA hosts an exhibition in Buenos Aires about the work of  the Argentine Forensic Anthropology Team.


This exhibition illustrates the work of the Argentine Forensic Anthropology Team (EAAF) contributing to research about human rights violations. From selected cases, the exhibition tries to show some methodological aspects and underline the social, political and historical contexts in which the work takes place.




“El drama de los desaparecidos atraviesa toda mi vida profesional”, señala el fotorreportero Gervasio Sánchez en la presentación de este proyecto monumental al que ha consagrado buena parte de su trabajo. Guerras, dictaduras, persecución… y unos familiares que siguen buscando a los suyos, a aquellos que siguen viviendo en la memoria.

EL PAÍS se suma al MUSAC, el CCCB y La Casa Encendida para presentar simultáneamente este monumental proyecto fotográfico de Gervasio Sánchez. Haz clic aquí para ver ‘Desaparecidos’