Reunión del Proyecto de Investigación «Comunidad y violencia: espacios públicos para la construcción

Viernes, 14 Diciembre 2012

10:15 hrs. Sala José Gaos 3C
Centro de Ciencias Humanas y Sociales, CSIC
C/Albasanz, 26-28


-10:15h., «Madrid, la ciudad desplazada», por Julio Díaz Galán (Universidad Europea de Madrid)

-12:30h., «Los límites de la memoria y los límites de la historia. El caso de la represión franquista», por Pedro Piedras Monroy (Escritor y Traductor)

Organiza: Proyecto de Investigación «Comunidad y violencia: espacios públicos para la construcción de memoria y ciudadanía». Investigador Principal: José M. González García (IFS-CCHS, CSIC)


Call for paper:

«Violencia política y social en la Europa de la segunda posguerra: balances y nuevas lineas de investigación»

Fecha tope: 10 de enero de 2013

The research group of: “Political and Social Violence in Postwar Europe. Outcomes and Research Perspectives” is organizing four workshops in spring 2013, autumn 2013, spring 2014 and autumn 2014. The workshops will be held at the Istituto storico della Resistenza in Toscana di Firenze (Isrt), at the Istituto per la Storia della Resistenza e della Società contemporanea in provincia di Reggio Emilia (Istoreco) and at the Università degli Studi della Tuscia (Viterbo).

We are interested in political and social violence in Europe after 1945, particularly in Italy, Spain and Germany from a comparative perspective. These three countries experienced similar episodes of political violence just after the Second World War, despite juridical, economic and political differences. The violence occurred both from above (“institutional violence”) and from below (“popular violence”). Examples of “institutional violence” include the preventive detention or administrative detention with no due process for suspected former Nazis in Germany after 1945; or some exceptional Italian laws for special courts with reduced guarantees for the accused to punish fascist crimes. Examples of “popular violence” include operations of former partisans in Italy or the anti-Franco guerrilla resistance in Spain. At the same time, due to conditions of poverty and hunger, social violence unconnected to political claims emerged. Since the border between political and social violence was often undefined it can be difficult to distinguish these two categories.

Forms of violence, occurring in the three countries until the end of the 1940’s, were strictly connected to World War II, but some historical continuities can be observed both in the period before World War II and the post-war decades.

The workshops will be on the following fields of study:

1. Introduction to the issue of the political and social violence in the immediate aftermath of WWII through historiographic questions, debates on the topic, new interpretive approaches and methodological hypothesis.

2. Political and social violence after 1945 in Western Europe: national case studies.

3. The Politics of Punishment: judicial and private uses of violence.

4. Continuities during the second half of the 20th Century in Italy and Europe: management of the public order, practices, language and symbolism of the political and social conflicts.

We seek to develop a team of scholars that can report on the studies about violence after the Second World War in Western Europe (we will also accept proposal about other national case in addition to the three considered). Each scholar will be required to discuss a paper within a workshop and is encouraged to attend the other three. To maximize time for discussion, papers will be circulated in advance to the participants (presenters and discussants).

We particularly welcome the involvement of both established and junior scholars, Post-Doc students and PhD students. We encourage papers on national/local studies and on new interpretative and methodological hypotheses in a comparative perspective.

To be considered for the workshops, please submit a 300-word abstract of your proposed paper, in English or Italian, as well as a brief CV by 10 January 2013 to

Successful applicants will be notified by the end of January.

We may be able to assist presenters by partly covering the cost of travel and accommodation.

Scientific Committee: Enrico Acciai (coordinator), Guido Panvini, Camilla Poesio (coordinator), Toni Rovatti.

Conferencia Internacional «Arqueología de los crímenes contra la humanidad y el genocidio»

VI Jornades de Debat de l’Institut Universitari d’Història Jaume Vicens i Vives

Barcelona, 13 y 14 de diciembre de 2012

Más información

Clausura de la Exposición «Tiempos de exilio y solidaridad. La Maternidad Suiza de Elna»

Expo_Elna_Cartel28 de noviembre, 2012 a las 18:30 en la Biblioteca María Zambrano de la Universidad  Complutense de Madrid.

Contaremos con la asistencia de la Vicerrectora de Atención a la Comunidad Universitaria, Dña. Cristina Velázquez; el Alcalde de Elna D. Nicolás García; y la Consejera de la Embajada de Suiza Dña. Nathalie Bösch.

Usable Pasts and Futurities: The Changing Place of Europe in Global Memory Cultures


Usable Pasts and Futurities: The Changing Place of Europe in Global Memory Cultures

Date: May 22-23, 2014

Place: Toronto, ON, Canada

Deadline: 18 December 2013


Usable Pasts and Futurities: The Changing Place of Europe in Global Memory Cultures

Date: May 22-23, 2014

Place: Toronto, ON, Canada

Deadline: 18 December 2013

Andreas Huyssen’s observation of a «memory boom of unprecedented proportions» in the post-wall era has not lost its pertinence today; on the contrary, the 21st century continues to be marked by a preoccupation with discourses surrounding memory in the academic, political, cultural and public spheres. This is most certainly the case in Europe, where efforts to foster a greater sense of purpose for the project of European integration are often accompanied by a turn to memory and commemorative practices. For example, a 2009 European Parliament resolution on European conscience and totalitarianism states that «Europe will not be united unless it is able to form a common view of its history» and holds that «appropriate preservation of historical memory, a comprehensive reassessment of European history and Europe-wide recognition of all historical aspects of modern Europe will strengthen European integration». Tony Judt therefore has gone so far as to suggest that memory has become a definitional narrative, the ‘common currency’, of the EU project.

Alongside such institutional calls for a common European memory, academic memory studies have stressed the need to consider the transnational dimensions of cultural memory. As the nation loses its credence as the sole framework for collective memory and identity in this latest phase of globalization, mass migration and new media, scholars have drawn increasing attention to the ways in which memories operate multidirectionally (Rothberg) within as well as outside of and between nations. This conference seeks to take stock of such transnational dimensions of European memory by investigating not only how memory discourses circulate on intra-European, but also on extra-European levels. We seek proposals for 20-minute presentations that consider how memories of ‘Europe’ are being transferred, translated, and/or transformed through global interactions.

Questions to be addressed might include:

• How are cultural memories related to ‘Europe’ being shaped and mobilized in the 21st century?

• How have supra-national memories relating to wars, genocide, colonialism, communism, migration or expulsion been cast as central to, or divisive of, the European imaginary of the present moment?

• How are memories beyond those mandated by European institutions being forged either within or beyond the boundaries of Europe?

• How are contemporary artists, writers, filmmakers, and other cultural agents exploring the transnational dimensions of European memory?

• How have networks of transnational memory become a platform for future solidarity and/or activism?

• Are there alternative (potentially more positive) narratives that can be added to what Claus Leggewie calls the ‘negative foundational myths’ of Europe?

The conference is meant to serve as a venue at which to discuss papers to be reworked and expanded for inclusion in an edited volume. We are aiming to submit a collection of selected, article-length papers by Spring 2015.

Funding applications are still pending, but the organizers are making every effort to secure partial support for participants’ travel expenses. Participants are encouraged to seek funding from other sources in the meantime.

Please submit your abstracts (500 words maximum) as well as a short CV (academic background and relevant publications) by December 18th, 2013 to Dr. Christina Kraenzle and Dr. Maria Mayr

New Approaches to the History and Memory of War and Conflict


New Approaches to the History and Memory of War and Conflict

Date: Saturday 7th December 2013, 9:00 – 17:30

Place: Centre for Research in Memory, Narrative and Histories, University of Brighton

Deadline for registration: 29 November 2013


New Approaches to the History and Memory of War and Conflict

Date: Saturday 7th December 2013, 9:00 – 17:30

Place: Centre for Research in Memory, Narrative and Histories, University of Brighton

Deadline for registration: 29 November 2013

Place: M2 Boardroom, Grand Parade, University of Brighton

In this year’s symposium, we intend to explore new approaches to the experiences of war and conflict as they are negotiated, remembered, mediated and lived. The focus of the symposium is not only to chart new lines for both theoretical and empirical analysis of the way in which violent conflicts are (and were) apprehended and articulated, but also the ways violent legacies shape and haunt processes of post-conflict transition.

In addition to the keynote speaker Dr. Santanu Das, who will argue for a more emotional and somatic history of the First World War through the discussion of the experience, often ignored, of the Indians that participated in the conflict, the symposium is divided into three panels. The first focuses on the notion of conflict and violence as it is performed and experienced, but also perceived through bodily frames (negotiated in terms of presence or absence) in cultural representation. It discusses the affective realm of warfare – the relevance of pain, pity and grief for the new current paradigms in cultural history. The second panel maps out the entanglements between the politics of the past and the politics of reconciliation in cultures and societies undergoing violent conflict or dealing with ‘post-conflict’ legacies. It deals with the tension between competing narratives, the effects of binary oppositions, and the ambiguous nature of many of the elements that shape post-conflict scenarios. The last panel examines the geographies of memory as a key element of the understanding of war and conflict. Space here will not only be seen as a material container of violent marks of the past or as the main arena for the struggles over memorialisation, but also as an intrinsic dimension of the practice of remembering.

Bringing together scholars with different yet overlapping backgrounds and research expertises, the symposium will reflect upon some of the issues at play in the ever-growing field of peace and conflict studies. Ranging from ethnographic and sociological approaches to more historical-based research, the speakers will deal with singular expressions of both contemporary and historical violence as it is articulated in a range of contrasting spatio-temporal contexts (Bosnia, Northern Ireland, Norway, Indonesia, Kenya, Afghanistan and England among them), thus tracing and offering solutions to common methodological and conceptual challenges from a transnational perspective.

Speakers include: Santanu Das (King’s College London); Emilie Pine (University College Dublin); Gabriel Koureas (Birkbeck, University of London); Kevin McSorely (University of Portsmouth); Mark McGovern (Edge Hill University); Lotte Hughes (The Open University); Stefanie Kappler (Liverpool Hope University); Safet HadžiMuhamedović (Goldsmiths, University of London), Sam Edwards (Manchester Metropolitan University) and Charlotte-Heath-Kelly (Warwick University).

Registration and delegate rates:

This event is open to all but delegates must register in advance. The registration fee is £50 (waged), with concessions for retired/unemployed/unaffiliated delegates (£25) and students (£15). The registration fee includes tea/coffee and lunch.

Booking is now open: You will find a link to the on-line shop on the CRMNH website. Click on the following link and scroll down to bottom of page.

Any queries please email Dr Sam Carroll:

CALL FOR PAPERS: Transnational Politics of Memory in Europe – edited volume/special issue


Transnational Politics of Memory in Europe – edited volume/special issue

Deadline: 30 November 2013


Transnational Politics of Memory in Europe – edited volume/special issue

Deadline: 30 November 2013

While memory studies has seen considerable development at the level of national and comparative studies, the European level has been treated mostly in speculative, often highly normative, essays. There remains a lack of comprehensive empirical studies dealing with both transnational

pan-European politics of remembrance and the question of whether and how they are linked to an unfolding European public sphere. Little research has been done regarding European remembrance as a field of transnational policy making in which individual and institutional actors compete through the use of various resources and the articulation of norms, interests, divergent political cultures and practices.

We are looking to connect with like-minded scholars working on these issues who are interested in not only submitting an article, but working together to shape a common research agenda. The results of these efforts will be published in an edited volume or special issue of a journal. Initially, we are calling for the submission of abstracts (250-300 words).

Scholars dealing with politics of remembrance on the European level through a social science perspective are invited to submit a proposal. We are interested in research projects that investigate the nexus between transnational politics of remembrance, European integration and an emerging European public sphere from different angles. We are particularly interested in innovative theoretical and empirical approaches that move away from abstract and normative perspectives that have dominated this area of research thus far. Possible topics include, but are not restricted to, questions such as:

– How has the European Union dealt publicly with various historical legacies?

– Has there been an emergence of a European public sphere vis-à-vis the remembrance of oppression and dictatorship?

– How can we map European efforts to establish a common European culture of memory?

– How has the continuous conflict between the memory of Stalinism and Nazism/Fascism been navigated on the European level?

– How are «marginal» memories (of colonialism, migration etc.) articulated?

– Who are the crucial actors in European politics of remembrance?

– What is the relationship between elite and «ordinary» or grassroots approaches to the past

– How have European memory actors interacted with actors from other regions?

– Through which practical mechanisms do European memory politics operate?

Paper proposals (250-300 word abstracts) should be sent to & by *30 November 2013.*

Please do not hesitate to contact either of us if you have further questions! We are looking forward to your contributions.

CALL FOR PAPERS Memories of the Futures


Memories of the Futures

Date: 2-3 May 2014, London

Place: Chelsea College of Art and Design (UAL) & Institute of Modern

Languages Research


Memories of the Futures

Date: 2-3 May 2014, London

Place: Chelsea College of Art and Design (UAL) & Institute of Modern

Languages Research

Keynote addresses:

Sir Christopher Frayling, Dr. Malcolm Quinn and Prof. Alberto Abruzzese 

From our current ‘after the future’ position, where utopias have been crushed under the awareness that ‘the myth of the future is rooted in modern capitalism’ (Bifo), our imagination persistently draws on an extensive repository of symbols, forms and technologies rooted in history, imagination and memory. Yet, utopian visions of the future loomed large in the modern age, often fuelled by spectacular advancements in technology, applied arts and industries. Even though sequential temporalities and cyclical views of the past have become forcefully questioned by new technologies, the past is still a reservoir, repository and treasure-trove of cultural and symbolic signification which continues to be revisited and reconstructed imaginatively by individuals and communities. The further into the future you look, the further back in time you seem to get…. The conference will address questions such as: is memory scrambled, reversed, reconstituted? Is the future a thing of the past? Is ‘no future’ the new future? How do ancient myths and narratives construct future scenarios? How are myths and histories re-worked in contemporary artistic practises of the future present?

We welcome submissions on all areas related to suggested topics that include:

*   future memory – postmemory, prosthetic memory and the storage of memory in the age of the social media;

*   utopian and dystopian visions,  myths of the future and revolutionary movements;

*   future construction and reappropriation of the imaginary – myth, symbol, archetype, legend, fantasy, science-fiction and their contribution to imagining the future;

*   future commodities, biopolitics, neo-liberalism and the turn of art, fashion and design in late capitalism;

*   science, engineering and materials at the interface of fantasy and technology;

*   the future of mechanization – toy-making, robotics, cyborgs, automata, androids and clones ;

*   cyberpunk, steampunk and its derivatives (dieselpunk, biopunk and decopunk);

*   time and space models – parallel universes, upward mobility and future ecologies;

*   human/non-human – gene ethics, post-humanism, trans-humanism and the ethics of the interface human/gene machine;

In addition to traditional academic paper presentations, we encourage submissions using alternate forms, such as photographic works, art and design objects or multimedia presentations. Send a 250-word paper abstract to with a mini-bio by Dec 1st. 2013.

Steering Committee: Deborah Jaffe (Researcher and Writer), Georgia Panteli (UCL), Emanuela Patti (IMLR), Katia Pizzi (IMLR), Stephen Wilson (Chelsea College of Art and Design (UAL).



Congreso internacional


Lugar: Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Fechas: 3-5 de abril de 2014

Fecha límite: 31 de octubre de 2013


Congreso internacional


Lugar: Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Fechas: 3-5 de abril de 2014

Fecha límite: 31 de octubre de 2013

El Seminario Complutense Historia, Cultura y Memoria y las entidades del Proyecto ‘Posguerras’, celebrarán los días 3, 4 y 5 de abril de 2014 el Congreso Internacional «Posguerras. 75 aniversario del fin de la Guerra Civil española.» El congreso pretende convertirse en un encuentro para el balance y la reflexión sobre las últimas aportaciones al estudio de las consecuencias de la Guerra Civil, así como en un foro de discusión para plantear futuras líneas de investigación sobre la posguerra en España. Las sesiones del Congreso se organizarán en torno a once mesas-taller para las que se abre un plazo de presentación de comunicaciones.


I. La quiebra de la Modernidad tras el fin de la Guerra Civil, 1900-1936

II. Resistencias, represión y control social

III. El exilio científico y cultural

IV. Historiografías: la posguerra española en el contexto de las posguerras globales

V. Taller «Didáctica de la Guerra Civil y el Franquismo»

VI. Inserción, aislamiento y condena internacional

VII. Medios de comunicación, propaganda y religión

VIII. Mujeres, sexualidad e identidad nacional

IX. Guerra, cultura popular y reconstrucción nacional

X. Memoria traumática, conflicto y posconflicto

XI. Literatura de posguerra: connivencias, resistencias y colaboración al discurso de legitimación

Las propuestas de comunicación deberán enviarse antes del día 31 de octubre de 2013 al correo oficial del congreso: La propuesta de comunicación se presentará en un documento word, que incluya el título, nombre y apellidos del autor, centro de trabajo o investigación, email de contacto, mesa a la que se dirige la propuesta y un breve resumen de la comunicación de no más de 350 palabras. Una vez cerrado el plazo de presentación de comunicaciones y evaluadas las propuestas, se publicará su distribución por mesas. Se aceptan propuestas y comunicaciones en inglés, francés o castellano. El idioma del Congreso será el castellano. Para la edición de las actas, se ha solicitado el ISBN con el mismo título del Congreso. Toda la información sobre el Congreso y sobre el Proyecto ‘Posguerras’ puede encontrarse en la Web:

CALL FOR PAPERS International Conference: The Cultural Politics of Memory


International Conference:

The Cultural Politics of Memory

Date: 14-16 May 2014

Place: Centre for Critical and Cultural Theory, Cardiff University


International Conference:

The Cultural Politics of Memory

Date: 14-16 May 2014

Place: Centre for Critical and Cultural Theory, Cardiff University

Deadline: 31 January 2014

The politics of remembering and forgetting are important social and cultural issues. The authority, power and resources with which to create hegemonic versions of the past – to give authoritative accounts that are available in the public domain – are largely the property of institutions. Questions of power, voice, representation and identity are central to Cultural and Collective Memory.

This interdisciplinary conference will address how hegemonic narratives of the past are reproduced or challenged. It will examine

the role of Cultural and Collective Memory in shaping meanings, values and identities. Papers are encouraged to address the relationship between past and present in Cultural and Collective Memory and how this relates to social power relations.

Papers are welcome in areas such as:

Cultural memory and the archive

Curating memory

Globalised memory

Marginalised histories

Memory and affect

Memory and anti-colonial struggle

Memory and class

Memory as gender/sexual politics

New technologies and memory

Public history

Racialised memory

Religion and cultural memory

Space, place and memory

Theoretical approaches to cultural and collective memory

Please send a 300 word extract and a short CV to: .

Deadline for the receipt of abstracts: 31 January 2014.