ITN Marie Curie Sustainable Peace Building

SPBUILD is an Initial Training Network Funded under the Marie Curie Actions of the Seventh Framework Programme SPBuild is created and developed by a solid and dynamic network of 10 institutions (EDEN Network for Peace and Conflict) with a proven commitment and capacity to deliver high-quality training in the rapidly developing field of Peace and Conflict research. These universities have undertaken joint research, published, and jointly created a European Doctoral Enhancement Programme on Peace and Conflict Studies.

Human Rights Center, University of California at Berkeley

The Human Rights Center promotes human rights and international justice worldwide and trains the next generation of human rights researchers and advocates. Three core goals guide the Human Rights Center’s activities: Pursue accountability for mass atrocities. Ensure that needs of survivors are heard. Strengthen the research and advocacy capacities of local and international human rights organizations

EDEN on Peace and Conflict Research

Network members have been working under the auspices of the Socrates Network HumanitarianNet to design a model of a European doctorate programme in Peace and Conflict Studies. At present, the agreed programme represents an addition to local/national doctorate programmes. As part of the requirements of the programme, research students will have to participate in two summer schools (Intensive Programme), spend a six-month research stay in another of the network’s training sites, and defend their research before an international committee that includes a member of EDEN’s Executive Board. In designing the model. The Network has taken as a reference the requirements established by the European Conference of Rectors. Taking into account the Bologna Declaration and the importance of high quality programmes in doctoral studies as a fundamental base for the creation of a European Research Area, the Network envisages the transformation of the existing European Doctoral Programme into a full-fledged European Doctorate.

Crimes of War Project

The Crimes of War Project is a collaboration of journalists, lawyers and scholars dedicated to raising public awareness of the laws of war and their application to situations of conflict. Their goal is to promote understanding of international humanitarian law among journalists, policymakers, and the general public, in the belief that a wider knowledge of the legal framework governing armed conflict will lead to greater pressure to prevent breaches of the law, and to punish those who commit them.

African Transitional Justice Research Network

The ATJRN seeks to promote and encourage transitional justice research in Africa through the development of research capacity, the building of transitional justice content knowledge, and the creation of spaces for practitioners and researchers in Africa to share experiences, expertise, and lessons learned. The goal is to ensure that the transitional justice agenda in Africa is locally informed and owned.

Ideologies of War

Established in 2004 by Orion Anderson and Richard Koenigsberg, the IDEOLOGIES OF WAR, GENOCIDE AND TERROR website presents research and writing on the sources and meanings of collective or societal forms of violence.

Centre for the International Politics of Conflict, Rights and Justice (CCRJ)

The Centre for the International Politics of Conflict, Rights and Justice (CCRJ) at SOAS promotes individual and collaborative research projects on the international politics of human rights, aid and humanitarianism, religion, transitional justice, and civil liberties especially as they relate to conflict and post-conflict situations. El Centre for the International Politics of Conflict, Rights and Justice (CCRJ) del School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) de la Universidad de Londres fomenta proyectos de investigación individuales y en colaboración sobre los aspectos internacionales de los derechos humanos, el humanitarianismo, el papel de la religión, la justicia transicional y las libertades civiles, especialmente en su relación con conflictos y situaciones de postconflicto.

AAAS Science and Human Rights Program

The AAAS Science and Human Rights Program (SHRP) works with scientists to «advance science and serve society» through human rights. The Program carries out its mission by engaging individual scientists and scientific associations in human rights efforts; applying scientific tools and technologies to enhance human rights work; bringing human rights standards to the conduct of science; and promoting the human right to enjoy the benefits of scientific progress.

International Conflict Research Institute (INCORE)

Fundado en 1993, el Instituto Internacional de Investigación de Conflictos de Universidad de Ulster y la Universaidad de la ONU combina investigación, formación y análisis comparativo sobre conflictos en diversos lugares del mundo, especialmente en el Ulster. Tiene como objetivos la promoción del debate internacional y la participación en procesos de pacificación y reconciliación. Established in 1993, INCORE (International Conflict Research Institute) is a joint project of the United Nations University and the University of Ulster. Combining research, education and comparative analysis, INCORE addresses the causes and consequences of conflict in Northern Ireland and internationally and promotes conflict resolution management strategies. It aims to influence policymakers and practitioners involved in peace, conflict and reconciliation issues while enhancing the nature of international conflict research.

Sociedad de Ciencias Aranzadi-Aranzadi zientziak elkartea

El Departamento de Antropología de Aranzadi realiza investigaciones concretas en el ámbito de los estudios de antropología biológica y de paleopatología. Contando con la necesaria colaboración y coordinación con distintos profesionales de la Facultad de Ciencias Biológicas y de la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad del País Vasco, el Departamento trabaja de modo específico con los hallazgos antropológicos que se realizan en Gipuzkoa conforme a excavaciones arqueológicas en este territorio. De un modo más genérico, y bajo la coordinación del Dr. Etxeberria, ha participado desde el año 2000 en muchas de las exhumaciones de fosas comunes de la Guerra Civil en distintos puntos de España.