Documentary “España, la memoria enterrada”

“On July 18, 1936, a coup d’état provoked the Spanish Civil War, followed by Francisco Franco’s dictatorship. Decades later, historians and victims denounce that Spain is the second country in the world with the largest number of disappeared people, and that there is no state policy facing the debts of the past. To the point that, while families ask for truth and reparation, it is the Argentinian justice that currently investigates Francoism’s crimes.”

With Francisco Ferrándiz y Francisco Etxeberria.

“What Remains” directed by Lee Douglas reviewed in El Diagonal

Journalist Jose Durán Rodríguez from the Madrid-based newspaper El Diagonal reviews the documentary “What Remains” and its premiere at Traficantes de Sueños. The film was produced and directed by project member Lee Douglas and doctoral candidate Jorge Moreno Andrés (UNED).

Read the review

Francisco Ferrándiz. 03/06/2016. “Gathering the Genetic Testimony of Spain’s Civil War Dead”

New research by anthropologists and forensic scientists is bringing hope to the relatives of war victims while challenging Spain’s “pact of forgetting”.

In a waist-high trench alongside Spain’s national Highway 1, a dozen volunteers wearing rubber gloves brush tan clay from crumbling human bones. Their knees rest on foam cushions, and a white tent shades them from the summer sun. It’s July 2011—a full 75 summers after Spain erupted in the Civil War that put the bones of 59 civilians in the ground here…


Queralt Solé: La Sexta Columna: “The Paradox of the Valley of the Fallen”

The topic of the TV programme “La Sexta Columna” on Friday, June 3, 2016, was the Valley of the Fallen, and included Queralt Solé’s participation.

“The paradox of the Valley of the Fallen: after 40 years of democracy, it is still impossible to exhume the human remains

Since 1980, no one has managed to take a bone out of the Valley of the Fallen. Only six years after Franco’s death, it was possible. 40 years of democracy later, it is no longer possible. How can we explain this change?”

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The forgetfulness of Spain

The report produced for teleSUR seeks to reveal the political interests and the Francoist legacy that still exists in Spain 40 years later and prevents many victims to be recognized as such. It shows that there is no will to unearth the truth about what happened. While memory remains buried, thousands of victims and their families will not get justice as they deserve it.

EAAF exhibition in the Remembrance and Human Rights Center ex ESMA

The Remembrance and Human Rights Center ex ESMA hosts an exhibition in Buenos Aires about the work of  the Argentine Forensic Anthropology Team.


This exhibition illustrates the work of the Argentine Forensic Anthropology Team (EAAF) contributing to research about human rights violations. From selected cases, the exhibition tries to show some methodological aspects and underline the social, political and historical contexts in which the work takes place.



Call for Papers “The Collapse of Memory – Memory of Collapse: Remembering the Past, Re-Constructing the Future in Periods of Crisis”

Conference, Lund 21-22 September 2016

The Centre for European Studies at Lund University and the International Research Network “Baltic Borderlands: Shifting Boundaries of Mind and Culture in the Borderlands of the Baltic Sea Region”, a collaborative programme between the universities of Lund, Tartu, and Greifswald, invites proposals for conference papers, which discuss how the management of crisis is affected by previous experiences and memories and how crisis, disaster or collapse affect cultural memory and political agency.


Francisco Ferrándiz. 29/01/2016. “Spain glares into bloody past”

A court case in Argentina opened mass grave sites, forced fresh look at Civil War.


Art & Science Vs. Conflict in the Global Present. Oxford Brookes University (UK) 11.02.2016

An event bringing together artists and scientists to examine the impact of war on society through artistic representation and scientific evidence.

Oxford Brookes University
11th February 2016


Mass grave dug up in search for victims of Franco’s fascist regime

Spain confronts its troubled past after campaigners turn to Argentinian courts for investigation into crimes against humanity.
