José Manuel Pureza

José Manuel PurezaJosé Manuel Pureza is a Doctor in the Sociology of International Relations by the Universidad de Coimbra. He is professor of International Relations and director of the Doctoral Program in International Politics and Conflict Resolution at the abovementioned university. He is a researcher at the Center of Social Studies at the Universidad de Coimbra, where he coordinates the Nucleus of Studies for Peace. He is the author of the book El patrimonio común de la humanidad. Hacia un derecho internacional de la solidaridad? (Madrid, Trotta, 2003) and Para uma cultura da paz (Coimbra, Edições Quarteto, 2001), among others, as well as co-editor of the books Before Emergency: Conflict Prevention and the Media (Bilbao, Universidad de Deusto, 2003, with M. Aguirre and F. Ferrándiz), Fogo sobre os media! Informação, conhecimento e crítica em conflitos armados (Coimbra, Quarteto, 2003, with F. Ferrándiz), and La protección internacional de los derechos humanos en los albores del Siglo XXI. At present, he is a parliamentary representative and speaker for the Bloco de Esquerda in Portugal.

Ariel Jerez

Ariel JerezProfessor in the Department of Political Science II at the Universidad Complutense, with courses in the undergraduate degree (Political Systems of Latin America, Spanish Political System, Foundations of Political Science ) and in postgraduate studies (Society of Information and Communications Media in Latin America in the Masters’ of Contemporary Studies of Latin America).
His research work follows two converging lines, the first focused on the new participation processes of civil society (social movements, NGOs, parties, the third sector) and the second on the analysis of communication processes and political education and discourse disputes in the media politics of neoliberal globalization. He is part of the Universidad Complutense research group “Cibersomosaguas. Digital Culture and Social Movements.”
From the point of view of political debate and the diffusion of social knowledge, his participation in the boards of trustees of two foundations located in Madrid, the Foundation Contaminate Me for Cultural Mixing (he is the person in charge of the Area of Projects) and the Foundation Communication and Network with a Voice-Democracy (Vicepresident) is noteworthy. From these positions, he attempts to bring civil society closer to the university -and vice versa- in its participative and transforming dynamics. He also tries to reinforce and extend this work as assistant dean of Students, Technology, and University Outreach of the Faculty of Political Science and Sociology.
In the field of remembrance, he has participated in the organization of academic conferences and association conferences (Mueso del Vidrio-La Granja-Segovia, July 2008; Faculty of Political Science-UCM, December 2008; Círculo de Bellas Artes, November 2009; School of Labor Relations/UCM, April 2010). He has collaborated with the Association for Recovering Historical Memory since 2004 on different initiatives for communication and mobilization. He has actively participated in coordinating the recently created Platform against the Impunity of Francoism.

Montserrat Iniesta González

Montserrat Iniesta GonzálezMontserrat Iniesta is a social anthropologist and director of the Museu de Vilafranca. She has specialized in the anthropological study of heritage, with sojourns in museum centers in France, Italy, Mexico, and Canada. International Curator of Heritage by the Ecole nationale du patrimoine, she is the author of the museological project of the Museu de l’Aigua (Lleida), the Musée de Cerdagne (France), and the Museu del Vi (Vilafranca del Penedès). She has published Menges del Alt Urgell (1991), ‘Entre bosc i riu hi passavem la vida.’ El temps dels rais (1992), Els gabinets del món. Antropologia, museus i museologies (1994), as well as several articles in publications such as L’Avenç, Nos/Otros, I giorni cantati, etc. She is editor (along with Jordi Guixé) of Public Policies of Memory: 1st International Colloquium Democratic Memorial (2009). She is part of the editorial council of the of the journals Dyonisos and Revista d’Etnologia de Catalunya.

Luis Ríos Frutos


Luis Ríos Frutos has a degree in Biology and is Assistant Non-doctoral Professor of Anthropology in the Teaching Committee of Anthropology of the Faculty of Science at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. Among his lines of research, the following can be highlighted: the exhumation and identification of human skeletal remains from mass graves and cemeteries from the Spanish civil war, age estimation of skeletal remains of young adults, and anthropometric history in Guatemala and Spain. The following are some of his recent publications:

  • Cardoso HFV, Ríos L. 2011. Age estimation from stages of union in the presacral vertebrae. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 144: 238-247.
  • Ríos L, Bogin B. 2010. An Anthropometric Perspective on Guatemalan Ancient and Modern History. En: Living Standards in Latin American History Height,Welfare, and Development, 1750–2000 (Ricardo D. Salvatore, John H. Coatsworth, Amílcar E. Challú, eds). Harvard University Press. Pp. 273-310.
  • Ríos L, Ovejero JI, Prieto JP. 2010. Identification process in mass graves from the Spanish Civil War I. Forensic Science International 199: E27-E36.

Guillermo Fouce Fernández

Guillermo Fouce FernándezAssociate Professor at the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Coordinator  of the ONGD Psychology without Borders Madrid. Professor at the Universidad Camilo Jose Cela de Madrid.

Dr. Jose Guillermo Fouce received a research scholarship at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid, where he received his doctorate. Later he became a professor at the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos de Madrid and is presently a professor at the Universidad Carlos III and the Universidad Camilo Jose Cela.

As a professional, he is at present the coordinator of the international ONGD Psychologists without Borders Madrid.

He is the author of five books and has published some thirty articles. He is also a member of the research group at the Universidad Carlos III on “memory and repression” and is participating at present in a research and development project.

Ignacio Fernández de Mata

Ignacio Fernández de MataProfessor of Social Anthropology at the Universidad de Burgos. He imparts classes in the degrees of History and Heritage and of Audiovisual Communication. He also teaches classes in the doctorate of Heritage and Communications. At present, he is Assistant Dean of Humanities and Audiovisual Communication in the Faculty of Humanities and Education.

Trained in History and Cultural Anthropology at the Universidad de Valladolid (Faculty of Philosophy and Letters), the Universidad Complutense de Madrid (Faculties of Philosophy B and Sociology and Political Sciences), the Universidad de Burgos (Faculty of Humanities), and the Universidad de Deusto (Faculty of Philosophy and Education Sciences), he also received a Marie Curie Fellowship from the University of Kent (UK). He was, in addition, a Professor-Researcher at the Universidad Autónoma de Bucaramanga (Colombia) in 1997, at the University of Wisconsin-Madison (USA) in 2003-2004, and at the University of Kent at Canterbury (UK) in 2006.

He is Director of the Research Group “Violence, Civil Conflicts, and War: Construction, Representation, and Effects” at the Universidad de Burgos.

His doctoral theses have focused on the management of collective identities and their political representation (from ethnohistorical parameters) and on studies of the remembrance of war conflicts and political violence. In addition, his lines of work deal with the history of Cultural Anthropology in Castile, on sources for studying culture, on the management of the past and uses of memory, on conflicts of representation and national identity, and on violence and trauma.

Some of his recent publications are:
  • 2009. La cultura tradicional en la sociedad del siglo XXI. IV Jornadas Nacionales Folclore y Sociedad. Burgos: Instituto Municipal de Cultura [Edition, coordination, and two studies of his own].
  • 2009. “In Memoriam… Esquelas, contra-esquelas y duelos inconclusos de la guerra civil española.” Revista Historia, Antropología y Fuentes Orales. HAyFO, 42. Barcelona.
  • 2010. “The Rupture of the World and the Conflict of Memories.” In Jerez-Farran, C. & Amago, S. (eds.) Unearthing Franco’s Legacy. Mass Graves and the Recovery of Historical Memory in Spain. Notre Dame, Indiana: University of Notre Dame Press.
  • 2010. “From Invisibility to Power: Spanish Victims and the Manipulation of their Symbolic Capital.” In Payne, S. G. & Khazanov, A. M. (eds.). Perpetrators, Accomplices and Victims in Twentieth-Century Politics. Reckoning with the Past. New York: Routledge.
  • 2010. “Mass Graves and the Emergence of Hispanish Historical Memory,” Published in Almansa, J. (ed.). 2010. Recorriendo la memoria – Touring Memory. BAR International Series 2168. Oxford: Archaeopress. Pp. 49-55. ISBN: 978-1-403-0712-1.
  • 2011. “Rude Awakening. Franco’s Mass Graves and the Decomposition of the Spanish Transition Dream.” University of Minnesota Press. (at press). In Ferran, O. & Hilbink, L. 2011. Exhuming Bodies, Producing Knowldge. Collective Memory, Justice and Restitution in Contemporary Spain. Minneapolis: Minnesotta University Press (at press).

He has participated in numerous international conferences in France (Rouen, Marseille), the United Kingdom (Manchester, Norwich), Australia (Sidney), Ireland (Limerick), the USA (Madison, WI; Notre Dame, IN; Minneapolis, MN), Turkey (Istanbul), and Italy (Prato, Sardinia, Sicily).