Políticas de la memoria
El pasado bajo tierra: exhumaciones y políticas de la memoria en la España contemporánea en perspectiva transnacional y comparada
PIE (CSIC) 200710I006
H2020 REFLECTIVE-5-2015, ref. 693523 (UNREST)
Centro de Ciencias Humanas y Sociales - Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas.
Despachos 1F25 y 1F18
C/Albasanz 26-28.
Madrid 28037 (España)
Crossland, Zoë y Rosemary A. Joyce (2015) Disturbing Bodies Perspectives on Forensic Anthropology
Fecha de publicación Título Editoras Tipo 2015 Disturbing Bodies Perspectives on Forensic Anthropology Zoë Crossland y Rosemary A. Joyce Libro TABLA DE CONTENIDOS: 1-. Anthropological Perspectives on Disturbing Bodies: An Introduction Zoë Crossland and Rosemary A. Joyce 2-. Forensic Anthropology and the Investigation of Political Violence: Notes from the Field Luis Fondebrider 3-. Unearthing […]
Hristova, Marije (2016) Reimagining Spain: Transnational Entanglements and Remembrance of the Spanish Civil War since 1989
Fecha de publicación Título Autora Tipo 2016 Reimagining Spain: Transnational Entanglements and Remembrance of the Spanish Civil War since 1989 Marije Hristova Libro Desde 1989, España ha pasado por un proceso de re-emergencia de las memorias de la Guerra Civil española (1936-1939) y el franquismo (1939-1975). Estas “nuevas” narrativas mnemónicas desafían la lectura oficial […]
Enric Pujol i Queralt Solé (editores) (2016): Una memòria compartida. Els llocs de memòria dels catalans del nord i del sud
Fecha de publicación Título Autores Tipo Enero 2016 Una memòria compartida. Els llocs de memòria dels catalans del nord i del sud Enric Pujol i Queralt Solé – editores -. Albert Balcells, Enric Pujol, Antoni Pol, Pep Vivas, Miquèl Ruquet, Jordi Font, Eric Forcada, Albert Testart, Marc Sogues, Mariona Seguranyes, Erola Simon, Lluís Obiols, Marta […]
Ferrándiz, F. & Robben, A. -editors- (2015): Necropolitics: Mass Graves and Exhumations in the Age of Human Rights
“This excellent and timely volume . . . opens up new avenues of global comparison and investigation. As if understanding the past was not daunting in itself, the chapters in this collection provide fascinating accounts of the political and legal struggles surrounding exhumations, and these often include popular mobilizations that are both intensely local and globally connected. I know of no other volume that addresses the topic of exhumations as profoundly, and in as many disparate cases in Latin America, Africa, Europe, and Asia.”—From the Foreword by Richard Ashby Wilson.
Faces and Traces of Violence: Memory Politics in Global Perspective
this dossier displays a selection of the work presented during the last few years in the permanent international seminar Faces and Traces of Violence/Rastros y rostros de la violencia held monthly at ILLA-CCHS-CSIC (Madrid, Spain). The seminar began in April 2008 —when it was still unnamed— with talks by Renato Rosaldo and Marie Louise Pratt (New York University) who presented, respectively, on ethnographic narratives and the ‘linguistics of war’ in the Afghanistan conflict.