Políticas de la memoria
El pasado bajo tierra: exhumaciones y políticas de la memoria en la España contemporánea en perspectiva transnacional y comparada
PIE (CSIC) 200710I006
H2020 REFLECTIVE-5-2015, ref. 693523 (UNREST)
Centro de Ciencias Humanas y Sociales - Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas.
Despachos 1F25 y 1F18
C/Albasanz 26-28.
Madrid 28037 (España)
CROSSLAND, Z. (2014): Ancestral Encounters in Highland Madagascar: Material Signs and Traces of the Dead
Nineteenth-century highland Madagascar was a place inhabited by the dead as much as the living. Ghosts, ancestors, and the possessed were important historical actors alongside local kings and queens, soldiers, traders, and missionaries. This book considers the challenges that such actors pose for historical accounts of the past and for thinking about questions of presence and representation.
NETTELFIELD, L. & WAGNER, S. (2013): Srebrenica in the Aftermath of Genocide
The fall of the United Nations “safe area” of Srebrenica in July 1995 to Bosnian Serb and Serbian forces stands out as the international community’s most egregious failure to intervene during the Bosnian war. It led to genocide, forced displacement, and a legacy of loss. But wartime inaction has since spurred numerous postwar attempts to address the atrocities’ effects on Bosnian society and its diaspora. Srebrenica in the Aftermath of Genocide reveals how interactions between local, national, and international interventions – from refugee return and resettlement to commemorations, war crimes trials, immigration proceedings, and election reform – have led to subtle, positive effects of social repair, despite persistent attempts at denial. Using an interdisciplinary approach, diverse research methods, and more than a decade of fieldwork in five countries, Lara J. Nettelfield and Sarah E. Wagner trace the genocide’s reverberations in Bosnia and abroad. The findings of this study have implications for research on post-conflict societies around the world.
KWON, H (2013): Ghosts of War in Vietnam
This is a fascinating study of the Vietnamese experience and memory of the Vietnam War through the lens of popular imaginings about the wandering souls of the war dead. These ghosts of war play an important part in postwar Vietnamese historical narrative and imagination and Heonik Kwon explores the intimate ritual ties with these unsettled identities which still survive in Vietnam today as well as the actions of those who hope to liberate these hidden but vital historical presences from their uprooted social existence.
DEL RÍO, Á.; ESPINOSA, F. Y TIRADO, J.L. (2013) El caso Rocío. La historia de una película secuestrada por la transición
ROCÍO ha pasado a la historia como la primera película secuestrada judicialmente en España tras la derogación de la censura cinematográfica en 1977. Dirigida por Fernando Ruiz Vergara, con guión y producción de Ana Vila, y estrenada en 1980, a día de hoy continúa censurada por la sentencia vigente del Tribunal Supremo de 1984 que condenaba a su autor por delitos de injurias a quien la película apuntaba como cabecilla de la brutal represión en el pueblo de Almonte, cuna de la Romería de la Virgen del Rocío, durante el golpe militar de 1936.
ESCRIBANO, F.; FERRÁNDIZ, F.; SOLÉ, Q. Y BERNAL, S. (2012) [Desenterrando el silencio] Antoni Benaiges, el maestro que prometió el mar
A finales de julio de 1936, justo en el inicio de la Guerra Civil, desapareció el maestro catalán Antoni Benaiges. Dos años antes había llegado al pueblo burgalés de Bañuelos de Bureba dispuesto a aplicar en su pequeña escuela rural la técnica Freinet, una innovadora metodología pedagógica basada en la participación de los alumnos y el uso de la imprenta.