Francisco Ferrándiz Martín


Francisco Ferrándiz (PhD University of California at Berkeley, 1996) is Associate Researcher in the Institute of Language, Literature and Anthropology (ILLA) of the Center for the Humanities and Social Sciences (CCHS) at the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC). His research in the anthropology of the body, violence and social memory encompasses two main ethnographic objects: the spiritist cult of María Lionza in Venezuela and, since 2003, the politics of memory in contemporary Spain, through the analysis of the current process of exhumation of mass graves from the Civil War (1936-1939). Before being hired at CSIC, he has taught and conducted research at the University of California at Berkeley, the University of Virginia, the Central University of Venezuela (UCV), the University of Utrecht, the Autonomous University of Morelos (UAEM), the University of Deusto and the University of Extremadura. He is the author of Escenarios del cuerpo: Espiritismo y sociedad en Venezuela (2004), and co-editor of The Emotion and the Truth: Studies in Mass Communication and Conflict (2002), Before Emergency: Conflict Prevention and the Media (2003), Violencias y culturas (2003), Jóvenes sin tregua: Culturas y políticas de la violencia (2005), Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Peace and Conflict Research (2007), and Fontanosas 1941-2006: Memorias de carne y hueso (2010), among others.

Main publications:

Books (as author):

  • 2018 (Bajo contrato. Fecha prevista de publicación). Bare Bones: Civil War Exhumations in Contemporary Spain. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press
  • 2014. El pasado bajo tierra: Exhumaciones contemporáneas de la Guerra Civil.  Barcelona: Grupo Editorial Siglo XXI/Anthropos
  • 2011. Etnografías contemporáneas: Anclajes, métodos y claves para el futuro.  Barcelona: Grupo Editorial Siglo XXI/Anthropos/UAM Iztapalapa
  • 2004. Escenarios del cuerpo: Espiritismo y sociedad en Venezuela. Bilbao: Universidad de Deusto

Books (as co-editor and/or co-author):

  • 2015. & A. Robben A.  Necropolitics: Mass Graves and Exhumations in the Age of Human Rights. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press
  • 2015. & J. A Flores, M. García Alonso, J. López García y P Pitarch Manuel Gutiérrez Estévez: Maestro de etnógrafos (americanistas). Madrid: Iberoamericana-Vervuet
  • 2014. & M. Hristova, L. Douglas y Z. De Kerangat Faces and Traces of Violence: Memory Politics in Global Perspective. Número Especial de la revista Culture and History Digital Journal 3(2) (CSIC)
  • 2012. & Solé Q. Desenterrando el silencio: Antoni Benaiges, el maestro que prometió el mar. Barcelona: Blume
  • 2011. & A. Leizaola  y M. García Alonso Etnografías contemporáneas de las violencias políticas: Memoria, olvido, justicia. León: FFAAEE/Michael Kenny
  • 2010. & J. López García Memorias de carne y hueso: Fontanosas 1941-2006. Ciudad Real: Diputación de Ciudad Real
  • 2009. & R. Hudson y W. Bender Peace, Conflict and Identity: Multidisciplinary Approaches to Research. Bilbao: HumanitarianNet/ Deusto University Press
  • 2007. & A. Robben Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Peace and Conflict Research. Bilbao: HumanitarianNet/ Universidad de Deusto
  • 2006. & C. Feixa Tierra quemada: Violencias y culturas en América Latina. Número especial de la RevistaNueva Antropología, n65 (Colegio de México, México D.F.)
  • 2005. & C. Feixa Jóvenes sin tregua: Culturas y políticas de la violencia. Barcelona: Anthropos
  • 2003. & J. M. Pureza Before Emergency: Conflict Prevention and the Media. Bilbao: HumanitarianNet/Universidad de Deusto
  • 2003.  & C. Feixa Violencias y culturas. Barcelona: FAAEE/ICA
  • 2002. & M. Aguirre The Emotion and the Truth: Studies in Mass Communication and Conflict. Bilbao: HumanitarianNet/ Universidad de Deusto 

Articles and chapters of books (of the last 3 years):  

  • 2017 (En prensa) “Death on the Move: Pantheons and Reburials in Spanish Civil War Exhumations”. En A Companion to the Anthropology of Death. Ed. por Antonious C.G.M. Robben. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell
  • 2017 (En prensa) “Unmaking Militarism Spanish Style: Engaging the Civil War Legacy”. Current Anthropology, número especial Cultures of Militarism, editado por Catherine Besteman y Hugh Gusterson
  • 2017 (En prensa) & A. Robben “The Transitional Lives of Crimes against Humanity: Forensic Evidence under Changing Political Contexts”. En Bodies of Evidence: Anthropological Studies of Security, Knowledge and Power. Ed. por Mark Maguire, Ursula Rao and Nils Zurawski. Durham: Duke University Press
  • 2017 (En prensa)“Exhumaciones de fosas comunes y políticas de victimización”. En Víctimas políticas en España y Europa. Ed. por Gérôme Truc. Madrid: Casa de Velázquez
  • 2016  “Afterlives: Tracing Exhumed Bodies beyond the Mass Grave”. En Legacies of Violence in Contemporary Spain: Exhuming the Past, Understanding the Present. Ed. por Ofelia Ferrán y Lisa Hilbink. Nueva York: Routledge
  • 2016 & E. Silva “From Mass Graves to Human Rights: The Spanish Disappeared in a Transnational Context”. En Missing Persons: Multidisciplinary Perspectives on the Disappeared. Ed. por Derek Congram, pp. 74-101. Toronto: Canadian Scholar’s Press Inc.
  • 2016 “From Tear to Pixel: Political Correctness and Digital Emotions in the Exhumation of Mass Graves from the Civil War”. En Engaging the Emotions in Spanish Culture and History (18th Century to the Present). Ed. por María Elena Delgado, Pura Fernández y Jo Labanyi, pp. 242-261. Nashville: Vanderbilt University Press
  • 2016 & P. Aguilar  “Historical Memory, Media and Spectacle: Interviú and the Portrayal of Civil War Exhumations in the Early Years of Spanish Democracy”. Journal of Spanish Cultural Studies 17(1): 1-25
  • 2015 “Exhumar la derrota”. En Políticas de memoria y construcción de ciudadanía. Ed. por A.Jerez y E. Silva, pp. 255-263. Madrid: Postmetrópolis Editorial
  • 2015 “Mass Graves: A Spanish Tale”. En Necropolitics: Masss Graves and Exhumations in the Age of Human Rights. Ed. Por F. Ferrándiz y A. Robben, pp. 92-118. Filadelfia: University of Pennsylvania Press
  • 2015 & A. Robben “The Ethnography of Exhumations”. En Necropolitics: Masss Graves and Exhumations in the Age of Human Rights. Ed. por F. Ferrándiz y A. Robben, pp. 1-38. Filadelfia: University of Pennsylvania Press
  • 2015 “Ethnographies on the Limit: Ethnographic Versatility and Short-Circuits before Contemporary Violence”. Etnologia (Revista d’Etnologia de Cataluya) 40: 47-50

Alejandro Baer Mieses

He has been Assistant Professor Doctor in the Department of Social Anthropology of the UCM and, from 2009 to 2011, Assistant Professor in the Chair of Sociology of Religion and Culture of the University of Bayreuth (Germany). He is currently Associated Professor of the Department of Sociology and Director of the Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies at the University of Minnesota (USA). His recent works tackle the theory and methodology of research on social memory and collective identities, and in particular visual culture, commemorations and the transnationalization of the memory of the Holocaust. He has also worked on testimonies and oral history and on anti-Semitism in Spain.

Between his subjects of investigation and specialization they emphasize: the studies on the memory; studies on the Holocaust and Genocide; anti-Semitism; the globalization; the Sociology of the media; qualitative methods; and Audiovisual Sociology, among others.

Main publications:

Zoe Crossland

Zoe Crossland is an Assistant Professor at Columbia University. Her main theoretical interests lie in semiotic archaeology, and archaeologies of death and the body. She works in historical archaeology and the archaeology of the contemporary past, focusing particularly on nodes of controversy where conflicting sets of beliefs and practices converge. In particular, she is interested in the ways in which negotiations and conflict between actors are mediated through material conditions. To fully understand the extent to which archaeology may analyze such conditions, she works in two radically different areas of research.


Her research in Madagascar is concerned with archaeologies of encounter in the highlands.  One aspect of this research traces the introduction of Protestant Christianity into Madagascar by British missionaries at the start of the 19th century. Here she focuses on the potential dislocation that was experienced when one way of living, learned through a lifetime’s experience within specific material and social conditions, was challenged in a confrontation with a radically different understanding of how to act effectively and morally, the ways in which people attempted to resolve and make sense of this dislocation, and the new and unanticipated formations that were created as a result. She is currently completing a book which explores the semiotics of encounters in highland Madagascar, provisionally entitled: “Encounters with Ancestors: archaeologies of recognition and loss in highland Madagascar”.

Forensic Archaeology and Charles Sanders Peirce’s Semeiotic

My second area of research focuses on the production of the excavated body. Here I draw on the semeiotic of C. S. Peirce to explore the signs of the body and of exhumation, considering how archaeologists constitute themselves and others through embodied material engagement with the world. Through exploring the language and orientation of forensic archaeology towards the excavation of human remains, this research works towards a fuller appreciation of the situated and material semiotic relationships through which archaeology is composed, in order to better understand how we construct meaning from excavated material remains.


Main publications:


  • 2015. Disturbing Bodies: Anthropological Perspectives on Forensic Archaeology. Z. Crossland and R. Joyce (eds). SAR Press.
  • 2014. Encounters with Ancestors in Highland Madagascar: Material Signs and Traces of the Dead. Cambridge University Press.
  • 2012. A Fine and Private Place: The Archaeology of Death and Burial in Post-medieval Britain and Ireland, by A. Cherryson, Z. Crossland and S. Tarlow (co-authors). Leicester: University of Leicester Archaeological Monographs.


  • 2016 Meaning from Juxtaposition: A Conversation with Photographer Jon Crispin about the Willard Asylum Suitcases. Journal of Contemporary Archaeology 3.1: 103-120
  • 2014 The Anthropocene: locating agency. Journal of Contemporary Archaeology. Forum on the Anthropocene 1(1):123-28
  • 2013. Evidential regimes of forensic archaeology. Annual Review of Anthropology 42 (Theme: Evidence): 121-137.
  • 2013. Signs of mission: material semeiosis and 19th century Tswana architecture. Signs and Society 1: 79-113.
  • 2009. Of clues and signs: the dead body and its evidential traces. American Anthropologist 111(1):69-80.
  • 2009. Acts of estrangement: the making of self and other through exhumation. Archaeological Dialogues 16(1):102-125.
  • 2006. Landscape and mission in Madagascar and Wales in the early 19th century: ‘Sowing the seeds of knowledge’. Landscapes 7(1): 93-121.
  • 2003. Towards an archaeology of ‘empty’ space: the efitra of the Middle West of Madagascar. Michigan Discussions in Anthropology, 14: 18-36.
  • 2001. Time and the ancestors: landscape survey in the Andrantsay region of Madagascar. Antiquity 75(290): 825-836.
  • 2000. Buried lives: forensic archaeology and Argentina’s disappeared. Archaeological Dialogues, 7(2): 146-159.

Chapters of books

  • 2015. The signs of mission. Rethinking archaeologies of representation. In Materializing Colonial Encounters: Archaeologies of African Experience. François Richard (ed). New York: Springer.
  • 2015. Epilogue: translating bodies. In Necropolitics. Mass Graves and Exhumations in the Age of Human Rights. Francisco Ferrándiz and Tony Robben, (eds). Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press.
  • 2015. Writing Forensic Anthropology; imagining the field in the US. In Disturbing Bodies: Anthropological Perspectives on Forensic Archaeology. Z. Crossland and R. Joyce (eds). SAR Press.
  • 2011. The archaeology of contemporary conflict. In The Oxford Handbook of the Archaeology of Ritual and Religion. T. Insoll, (ed). Oxford University Press, 285-306.
  • 2010. Materiality and embodiment. In The Oxford Handbook of Material Culture Studies (Ms No. 19). D. Hicks and M. Beaudry, (eds). Oxford University Press, 386-405.
  • 2008. Z. Crossland, M. Freeman, P. Jones and B. Boyd. The Llanbadarn Fawr ‘gravestone urn’: an object history. In Monuments in the Landscape. P. Rainbird, (ed). Windgather Press, 212-227.
  • 2002. Violent spaces: conflict over the reappearance of Argentina’s disappeared. In Matériel Culture. The Archaeology of Twentieth Century Conflict. J. Schofield, C. Beck, and W. G. Johnson, (eds), pp. 115-131. London: Routledge.


Lee Douglas

Lee Douglas

Anthropologist, filmmaker, and photographer. PhD in Sociocultural Anthropology from New York University, graduate of the NYU Program in Culture & Media, and MSc in Visual Anthropology from Oxford University.

Her doctoral thesis, “Producing Historical Knowledge in a World of Absence: Forensic Science, Cultures of Documentation, and the Politics of Memory in Post-Franco Spain,” examines the intersection of forensic science, modes of documentation, and image-making practices related to the excavation of mass graves and the identification of remains in post-Franco Spain. Paying close attention to the historical, social, and political uses use of forensic evidence, her research asks what the entanglement between science and visual representation reveals about the production and mobilization of knowledge in times of economic austerity and political change. Her research has received support from a Mellon/ACLS Dissertation Completion Fellowship, a Marie Curie Fellowship, and a DPDF Fellowship from the Social Science Research Council.

In addition to her current work in Spain, Douglas has conducted ethnographic and archival research for projects that combine sociocultural analysis and image production in places as diverse as Santiago, Chile; Cordóba, Argentina; and her hometown of Dallas, Texas. She is a contributor to the publication and exhibition Human Rights / Copy Rights: Visual Archives in the Age of Declassification (University of Chile, Museum of Contemporary Art), the co-curator of Artless Photographs, a multimedia exhibit showcased at the Cincinnati Photography Biennial, and a co-producer of the e-book Chile from within, produced with Magnum photographer Susan Meiselas. She is co-founder and member of the visual anthropology collective materiaprimaLAB and the visual research initiative SplitScreen, both based in Madrid. She is also the Photo Essay Editor for Anthropology Now.

Select Publications:

Douglas, L. (forthcoming). “Bones, Documents, & DNA: Cultural Property at the Margins of the Law.” In: Jane Anderson & Haidy Geismar (eds.), Cultural Property (Companion Series), London: Routledge.

Douglas, L. 2015. “The Arts of Recognition.” In Anthropology Now, 7(3).

Douglas, L. 2014. “Mass Graves Gone Missing: Producing Knowledge in a World of Absence.” In Culture & History, 3(2): e022.

Douglas, L. (2013). “The Evidentiary Regimes of Science and Sight: Forensic Science and the Exhumation of the Past.” In: Cristián Gómez-Moya (ed.), Human Rights / Copy Rights: Visual Archives in the Age of Declassification. Santiago de Chile: Universidad de Chile, Museo de Arte Contemporáneo.

Francisco Etxeberría Gabilondo

Forensic scientist, anthropologist, spelunker, researcher, titular professor of Legal and Forensic Medicine at the Universidad del País Vasco (UPV-EHU), president of the Aranzadi Science Society, secretary of the Spanish Association of Paleopathology, and subdirector of the Basque Institute of Criminology. He has participated as a researcher in numerous exhumations in archaeological contexts: soldiers from the Napoleonic wars, people executed by firing squad in the Spanish civil war, and arrested-disappeared people in Colombia and Chile. He has numerous national and international publications on subjects related to anthropology, paleopathology, and legal and forensic medicine. He received the Human Rights Prize “Gipuzkoa Giza Eskubideak 2006” from the Statutory Council of Guipuzcoa for his academic and professional trajectory in the field of Forensic Medicine. The Human Rights Prize “Rene Cassen 2007” of the Basque Government was awarded to the team he directs in the Aranzadi Science Society for its research project on the people who disappeared in the Spanish civil war.

Luis Fondebrider

Luis Fondebrider obtained his degree in Anthropological Sciences from the Universidad de Buenos Aires. He is a specialist in Forensic Anthropology. After democracy was restored in Argentina in 1983, together with a group of professionals in Archaeology, Anthropology, Medicine, and Computer Science, he founded an organization named the Argentinian Team of Forensic Anthropology (EAAF), with the objective of scientifically documenting the Human Rights violations that had occurred in Argentina between 1976 and 1983. At present, he is President of the EAAF. In his role as a member of the EAAF, he has participated as an expert in over 700 cases in the Argentinian courts. At the same time, he participated in and/or co-directed research missions in numerous countries. He has acted as an expert and/or forensic consultant for different international organizations. He has also been the co-receiver of different awards. As a teacher, he has given conferences and seminars on the application of Forensic Sciences to the documentation of Human Rights violations in several countries, as well as at universities and research centers in England, the United States, Belgium, Italy, Germany, and the Netherlands. He is also a teacher in the Chair of Legal Medicine of the Faculty of Medicine at the Universidad de Buenos Aires.

María García Alonso

Assistant Doctor Professor, Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology. Faculty of Philosophy. Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED). Subdirector of Recovery and Documentary Preservation at the Center of Studies on Migrations and Exiles (CEME UNED).

Adjunct commissioner of the exhibit “The Pedagogical Missions (1931-1939)” and one of the people in charge of the research project with the same name. Project headquarters: Fundación Francisco Giner de los Ríos [Institución Libre de Enseñanza de Madrid] and Residencia de Estudiantes. Coordinator of the project on recovering the memory of educational institutions in Uruguay, funded by the Uruguayan National Administration of Public Education, a project which very particularly includes the teachers who were caused to disappear by the Uruguayan dictatorship.

Together with Julián López García (Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology. Faculty of Philosophy. Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED), she directs the project “All the Names of the Post-War Repression in Ciudad Real: Research and Teaching Material”. In 2009, she was the scientific coordinator of the international program of tributes to the 1939 exile of the State Society for Cultural Commemorations and the UNED.


Main publications:


  • 2013 & Gabriela Ossenbach e Inés Viñuales Rafael Altamira en Argentina. Vínculos sociales e intelectuales entre España y Argentina en tiempos del primer centenario de la Independencia. Buenos Aires / Madrid: UNED / Fundación José Ortega y Gasset
  • 2012 & Honorio Velasco Maíllo y Julián López García Equipaje para aventurarse en antropología. Temas clásicos y actuales de la antropología social y cultural. Madrid: UNED
  • 2012. Las misiones socio-pedagógicas de Uruguay (1945-1971) Documentos para la memoria. Montevideo Administración Nacional de Educación Pública (ANEP)
  • 2011. & Julián de Zulueta Tuan Nyamko (el señor de los mosquitos). Relatos de la vida de Julian de Zulueta contados a María Garcia Alonso. Madrid: Residencia de estudiantes

Articles and chapters of books: 

  • 2016. “La purificación de la memoria en la España del siglo XXI: Transformaciones y confrontaciones” En Beatriz Nates, María García Alonso, Carlos Zambrano (eds.): Memoria y territorio. Bogotá: ICANH
  • 2016 “La propaganda de la acción o la acción de la propaganda. Las filmaciones en las misiones laicas” En: Alted, Alicia y Sel, Susana (coords.): Cine educativo y científico en España, Argentina y Uruguay. Madrid/ Buenos Aires: Editorial Ramón Areces / Instituto Gino Germani
  • 2016 “El descanso de los muertos. Territorios del morir y del permanecer” En: Godinho Paula, Fonseca, Inês e Baía, João, (Coords.), Resistência e/y Memória – Perspectivas Ibero-Americana. Lisboa: IHC-FCSH/UNL
  • 2015 “Días de emoción intensa. Sobre el entusiasmo y sus propietarios” Historia y Memoria de la Educación. Vol: 1(2): La transmisión de emociones y sentimientos. Subjetividad y socialización: 73-96
  • 2014 “Las 26.550 noches de Palmira. Cultura frente a dogma en las Misiones Pedagógicas de la Segunda República” En Esteban, Asunción e Izquierdo, María Jesús (ed.s) La revolución educativa en la Segunda República y la represión franquicia. Valladolid: Universidad de Valladolid
  • 2014 “Los territorios de los otros: memoria y heterotopía” Cuicuilco. Volumen: 21 (61): 33-352
  • 2013 “Cuando los que vuelven son ya ancianos. Memoria frente a historia” En Alicia Gil, Aurelio Martín y Pedro Pérez (coords.), El retorno. Migración económica y exilio político en América Latina y España. Madrid: Marcial Pons
  • 2013 “Intuiciones visuales para pueblos olvidados. La utilización del cine en las Misiones Pedagógicas de la Segunda República” Cahiers de Civiliasation Espagnole Contemporaine. Volumen 11(2013):1-14

Stephanie Golob

Stephanie R. Golob is Associate Professor of Political Science at Baruch College, City University of New York (CUNY).  Her research centers on the impact of globalization on state sovereignty, focusing on the “domestication” of international legal norms through transformations in national legal culture.  Specifically, her work investigates the impact and local appropriation of transnationalized “anti-impunity” norms – propagated via the Pinochet Case and other cases such as Schilingo and Barrios Altos —  within the legal communities and civil societies in countries such as Chile and Spain, whose democratic transitions in past decades were not accompanied by “transitional justice.” Her two-part essay on the Pinochet Case was awarded a Frank Cass Prize from the journal Democratization in 2002, and in 2006-07 she held an Andrew W. Mellon Resident Fellowship at the Center for the Humanities at the CUNY Graduate Center to develop research on the legal-cultural legacy of strategies of legalization and retrospective justice employed by the Franco regime.  More recent publications include Volver:  The Return of/to Transitional Justice Politics in Contemporary Spain (Journal of Spanish Cultural Studies, 2008); and Evolution or Revolution?  Transitional Justice Culture Across Borders (Institute for Public Goods and Policy Working Paper, CCHS, CSIS, June 2010).  She is currently writing a book provisionally titled, The Long Arm of the Law: Legal Culture, Globalized Norms, and the Anti-Impunity Revolution.


Main publications:

  • 2010  Evolution or Revolution? Transitional Justice Culture Across Borders. Instituto de Políticas y Bienes Públicos, Working Paper, CCHS, CSIS.
  • 2008 “Volver: The Return of/to Transitional Justice Politics in Contemporary Spain”  Journal of Spanish Cultural Studies 9(2):127-141

Marije Hristova

Marije Hristova holds a M.A. in History from the University of Groningen, a M.A. in Spanish Literature from the University of Amsterdam and a Ph.D. (cum laude) from Maastricht University in The Netherlands.

Currently, Marije is a postdoctoral researcher in the H2020 funded project UNREST: Unsettling Remembering and Social Cohesion in Transnational Europe at the Institute for Language, Literature and Anthropology in Madrid, which is part of the Spanish National Research Council. From 2011 to 2013 she was a Marie Curie fellow at the same institute. She is also the co-founder and co-organizer of Memorias en Red, a Spanish based research network for young researchers in the field of memory studies.

Marije is the author of Reimagining Spain: Transnational Entanglements and Remembrance of the Spanish Civil War since 1989 in which she explores the transnational frameworks and imageries that play a role in the re-emergence of the memories of the Spanish Civil War in contemporary Spanish literature.


Main publications:


  •  2016. Reimagining Spain: Transnational Entanglements and Remembrance of the Spanish Civil War since 1989. Maastricht: Universitaire Pers Maastricht

Articles and chapters of books: 

  • 2015 ‘Tussen India en West-Europa. Outsourcing in Bulgarije biedt veel kansen. Of toch niet?’ Donau. Tijdschrift voor Midden- en Zuidoost-Europa. 2015/01, 47-54
  • 2015. “La apertura de fosas comunes de la guerra civil española: discurso ético y generacional” En Ariel Jerez y Emilio Silva (eds.), Políticas de memoria y construcción de ciudadanía. Madrid: Postmetropolis Editorial y ARMH.
  • 2014. & Ferrándiz, Francisco, Lee Douglas y Zoé de Kerangat (eds.) ‘Faces and Traces of Violence: Memory Politics in Global Perspective’. Culture & History Digital Journal. 3 (2).
  • 2014 & Lee Douglas, Zoé de Kerangat y Francisco Ferrándiz. “Violence and the politics of memory in a global context: An overture”. Culture and History 3(2): e012
  • 2014. “Reconciliación y reconstrucción: Procesos y paradojas de la memoria a través del espacio urbano de Gernika” Review of Dacia Viejo-Rose (2011). Reconstructing Spain. Cultural Heritage and Memory after Civil War. Brighton: Sussex Academic Press, Hispania LXXIV, 247, 631-634.
  • 2014. “Discursos y políticas de la memoria en España: una perspectiva transnacional” Review of Nina Elsemann (2011). Umkämpfte Erinnerungen. Frankfurt: Campus Verlag], Hispania LXXIV, 246, 310-313
  • 2013.”Concurrerende verhalen. Over de begraafplaats van Zaragoza” En Frank Huisman, Nico Randeraad and Georgi Verbeeck (eds.), Geschiedenis is overal. Amsterdam: Wereldbibliotheek, 209 -226.

Zoé de Kerangat

Zoé de Kerangat

Zoé de Kerangat is a predoctoral researcher at ILLA-CSIC and PhD candidate in Contemporary History at Universidad Autónoma de Madrid since 2014. Her PhD thesis project analyses the mass grave exhumations of victims of the Francoist repression that took place in the 1970s and 1980s. She holds a Master’s degree in Contemporary History from Universidad Complutense de Madrid (2011) and a Bachelor’s degree in Liberal Arts and Sciences (Major in Social Science and Humanities) from University College Utrecht (2010, Países Bajos).

She was a member of the research project CSO2012-32709 “The Underground Past: Exhumations and Memory Politics in Contemporary Spain in Transnational and Comparative Perspective”. She is now part of the research projects CSO2015-66104-R”Below Ground: Mass Grave Exhumations and Human Rights in Historical, Transnational and Comparative Perspective”, UNREST (Unsettling Remembering and Social Cohesion in Transnational Europe) H2020 REFLECTIVE-5-2015, ref. 693523, and of the young researchers’ association Memorias en Red.

She has taught university classes at the University of Portsmouth (Reino Unido) and Universidad Autónoma de Madrid and she got a grant for a three-month research stay in the Centro de Investigaciones Sociales (IDES-CONICET) en Buenos Aires, Argentina, in 2015.


Main publications: 

  • (2017). “Beyond local memories: exhumations of Francoism’s victims as counter- discourse during the Spanish transition to democracy” [Chapter in press] En Törnquist-Plewa, B. y Sindbæk Andersen, T. (eds.) The Twentieth Century in European memory: Transcultural mediation and reception. BRILL.
  • (2017). “Antropología forense”. [Article in press]. Diccionario histórico de conceptos, expresiones y usos de la memoria colectiva. Universitat de Barcelona.
  • (2016). “(In)visibilidad y lucha familiar: Mujeres y memorias de la represión en las décadas de los 70 y 80.” En Macé, J-F. y Martínez Zauner, M. (coords.), Pasados de Violencia: Memoria, discurso y puesta en escena. Anexo: Madrid.
  • (2015). “Las élites y el pasado: memorias de la Guerra Civil en la Transición”. Reseña de: Pasamar, Gonzalo (Ed.), Ha estallado la memoria: las huellas de la Guerra Civil en la Transición a la Democracia, Madrid, Biblioteca Nueva, 2014, pp.344 Revista Historia Autónoma, 7.
  • (2015) “Réhabiliter leur mémoire? Représentations des victimes de la guerre civile et du franquisme dans les musées d’Espagne”. Nuevo Mundo Mundos Nuevos.
  • (2015). “Construyendo memorias e identidades: Narrativas históricas (trans)nacionales y locales en museos de España” En Cruz Suárez, J. C., Lauge Hansen, H. Sánchez Cuervo, A. (eds.) La memoria novelada III. Memoria transnacional y anhelos de justicia. Perspectivas Hispánicas, Vol. 38. Peter Lang: Bern, Berlin, Bruxelles, Frankfurt am Main, New York, Oxford, Wien. pp 270- 296.
  •  (eds.) (2014) con Ferrándiz, F. Hristova, M. y Douglas,L.  “Faces and Traces of Violence: Memory Politics in Global Perspective”. Culture & History Digital Journal, 3(2).
  • (2014) con Ferrándiz, F. Hristova, M. y Douglas,L. “Violence and the politics of memory in a global context: An overture”. Culture & History Digital Journal, 3(2), e012.